Invalid operations on a dual axis – Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual
Page 480

Dual Axis Operation
Chapter 19
Special consideration must be given when programming the following
Mirror Imaging
Programmable mirror image is applied to all axes in the dual group. Manual
mirror image, however, can be applied to each axis in the dual group individually.
When manual mirroring is performed on selected axes in the dual group,
positioning commands are in effect reversed from the programmed commands to
the master axis. Manual mirror image is selected through PAL. Refer to the
system installer’s documentation and chapter 14 for details.
When scaling, specify the scale factor for the master axis of the dual group. All
other axes in the dual group are then scaled using the master axis scale factor.
Refer to chapter 13 for details.
When generating program blocks using digitize, park all but one axis of the dual
axis group. Use this unparked axis to generate the axis positions for the digitize
feature. The blocks created are stored using the master axis name. Refer to
chapter 5 for details.
Important: The PAL axis mover feature can be used if it is necessary to
position dual axis group members separately without requiring any
parking. Refer to your PAL reference manual for more information.
Invalid Operations on a Dual Axis
The following table contains a list of the features that are not compatible
with dual axes. If it is necessary to execute one of these features on a dual
axis, only the AMP master axis may be used. All other axes in the dual
group must be parked. Refer to your system installer’s documentation to
determine which axis has been assigned in AMP as the master axis.
G code
Polar Programming
Cylindrical Interpolation
External Skip Functions
Automatic Tool Gauging Skip Functions
G38, G38.1
Probing Cycles
Boring Cycle (with spindle shift)
G74.1, G84.1
Solid Tapping
Boring Cycle w/Shift
Back Boring Cycle
Pocket Milling Cycles
Irregular Pocket Milling