West Control Solutions KS98-1 User Manual
Page 47
Cascade opened
For opening the cascade and control by means of the slave controller (see note text “Slave” on the operating page),
switchover field ¢ is switched to “Casc- Open”.
"Casc-open" is displayed.
The slave is displayed now.
Now, the slave controller becomes the variable
used for process control and can be adjusted.
The process value of the master control loop is
set by the cascade loop rather than being con-
trolled. Switchover between operation by mas-
ter or slave is always possible.
In cascade mode, the master information is dis-
played in the fields for , source, physical unit
and X/XW bargraph. With open cascade (display "Slave"), the slave information is displayed.
Manual mode
Switchover to manual is via key H (display in field¤). The cascade status (open/closed) is not affected. In manual
mode the process is controlled directly with the slave correcting variable. The slave correcting variable can be adjusted
during manual operation.
"Man" is displayed.
Cascade optimization
In a cascade, the slave controller and then the mas-
ter must be optimized.
The self-tuning entry of the cascade operating page
uu relates always to the slave!
For optimizing the master controller, the master
must be selected purposefully via the operating
menu. For this, the project description must be used.
Operating pages
Cascade controller
Fig. 33 Cascade controller with open cascade
Fig. 34 Cascade controller in manual mode