HEIDENHAIN CNC Pilot 4290 V7.1 User Manual
Cnc pilot 4290
Table of contents
Document Outline
- CNC PILOT 4290, Software and Functions
- 1 Introduction and Fundamentals ..... 29
- 2 Basics of Operation ..... 45
- 3 Manual Control and Automatic Modes ..... 57
- 4 DIN Programming ..... 107
- 5 Graphic Simulation ..... 361
- 6 TURN PLUS ..... 389
- 7 Parameters ..... 567
- 8 Operating Resources ..... 607
- 9 Service and Diagnosis ..... 645
- 10 Transfer ..... 659
- 11 Tables and Overviews ..... 683
- Introduction and Fundamentals
- Basics of Operation
- Manual Control and Automatic Modes
- DIN Programming
- 4.1 DIN Programming
- 4.2 Programming Notes
- Configuring the DIN editor
- Parallel editing
- Selecting submenus, positioning the cursor
- Making, editing and deleting NC blocks
- Search functions
- Conversational or free editing
- Geometry and machining commands
- Contour programming
- List of G functions
- Address parameters
- Tool programming
- Subprograms, expert programs
- NC program conversion
- Fixed cycles
- 4.3 The DIN PLUS Editor
- 4.4 Program Section Code
- 4.5 Definition of Workpiece Blank
- 4.6 Basic Contour Elements
- 4.7 Contour Form Elements
- 4.8 Attributes for Contour Description
- 4.9 C-Axis Contours— Fundamentals
- 4.10 Front and Rear Face Contours
- Starting point of front/rear face contour G100-Geo
- Line segment in front/rear face contour G101-Geo
- Circular arc in front/rear face contour G102/ G103-Geo
- Bore hole on front/rear face G300-Geo
- Linear slot on front/rear face G301-Geo
- Circular slot on front/rear face G302/G303-Geo
- Full circle on front/rear face G304-Geo
- Rectangle on front/rear face G305-Geo
- Eccentric polygon on front/rear face G307-Geo
- Linear pattern on front/rear face G401-Geo
- Circular pattern on front/rear face G402-Geo
- 4.11 Lateral Surface Contours
- Starting point of lateral surface contour G110-Geo
- Line segment in a lateral surface contour G111-Geo
- Circular arc in lateral surface contour G112-/ G113-Geo
- Hole on lateral surface G310-Geo
- Linear slot on lateral surface G311-Geo
- Circular slot on lateral surface G312/G313-Geo
- Full circle on lateral surface G314-Geo
- Rectangle on lateral surface G315-Geo
- Eccentric polygon on lateral surface G317-Geo
- Linear pattern on lateral surface G411-Geo
- Circular pattern on lateral surface G412-Geo
- 4.12 Tool Positioning
- 4.13 Simple Linear and Circular Movements
- 4.14 Feed Rate and Spindle Speed
- 4.15 Tool-Tip and Cutter Radius Compensation
- 4.16 Zero Point Shifts
- 4.17 Oversizes
- 4.18 Safety Clearances
- 4.19 Tools, Types of Compensation
- 4.20 Contour-Based Turning Cycles
- 4.21 Simple Turning Cycles
- 4.22 Thread Cycles
- 4.23 Drilling Cycles
- 4.24 C-Axis Commands
- 4.25 Front/Rear-Face Machining
- 4.26 Lateral Surface Machining
- 4.27 Milling Cycles
- 4.28 Assignment, Synchronization, Workpiece Transfer
- Converting and mirroring G30
- Spindle with workpiece G98
- Workpiece group G99
- One-sided synchronization G62
- Synchronization marking G162
- Synchronous start of slides G63
- M97 Synchronous function
- Spindle synchronization G720
- C-angle offset G905
- Measuring angular offset during spindle synchronization G906
- Traversing to a fixed stop G916
- Controlled parting using lag error monitoring G917
- Controlled parting using spindle monitoring G991
- Values for controlled parting G992
- 4.29 Contour Follow-Up
- 4.30 In-process and Post-process Measuring
- 4.31 Load Monitoring
- 4.32 Other G Functions
- Period of dwell G4
- Precision stop G7
- Precision stop off G8
- Precision stop G9
- Move rotary axis G15
- Switch off protection zone G60
- Chucking equipment in simulation G65
- Component position G66
- Waiting for time G204
- Update nominal values G717
- Move lag error G718
- Actual values in variables G901
- Zero-point shift in variables G902
- Lag error in variables G903
- Block speed monitoring off G907
- Feed rate override 100% G908
- Interpreter stop G909
- Velocity feedforward G918
- Spindle override 100% G919
- Deactivate zero-point shifts G920
- Deactivate zero-point shifts, tool lengths G921
- T no. internal G940
- Transferring magazine compensation values G941
- Servo lag limit G975
- Activating zero-point shifts G980
- Activate zero-point shifts, tool lengths G981
- Sleeve monitoring G930
- Shaft speed with V constant G922
- 4.33 Data Input and Data Output
- 4.34 Programming with Variables
- 4.35 Conditional Block Run
- 4.36 Subprograms
- 4.37 M Commands
- 4.38 Lathes with Multiple Slides
- 4.39 Full-surface machining
- 4.40 DIN PLUS Program Example
- 4.41 DIN PLUS Templates
- 4.42 Connection between Geometry and Machining Commands
- Graphic Simulation
- 6.1 TURN PLUS Mode of Operation
- 6.2 Program Head
- 6.3 Workpiece Description
- 6.4 Contours of Workpiece Blanks
- 6.5 Contours of Finished Parts
- 6.6 Form Elements
- 6.7 Overlay Elements
- 6.8 C-Axis Contours
- Position of a front or rear face contour
- Position of a lateral surface contour
- Milling depth
- Entering the C-axis contour dimensions
- Front or rear face: Starting point
- Front or rear face: Linear element
- Front or rear face: Circular element
- Front or rear face: Single hole
- Front or rear face: Circle (full circle)
- Front or rear face: Rectangle
- Front or rear face: Polygon
- Front or rear face: Linear slot
- Front or rear face: Circular slot
- Front or rear face: Linear hole or figure pattern
- Front or rear face: Circular hole or figure pattern
- Lateral surface: Starting point
- Lateral surface: Linear element
- Lateral surface: Circular element
- Lateral surface: Single hole
- Lateral surface: Circle (full circle)
- Lateral surface: Rectangle
- Lateral surface: Polygon
- Lateral surface: Linear slot
- Lateral surface: Circular slot
- Lateral surface: Linear hole or figure pattern
- Lateral surface: Circular hole or figure pattern
- 6.9 Help Functions
- 6.10 Importing of DXF Contours
- 6.11 Manipulating Contours
- Editing the contours of a blank part
- Deleting contour elements
- Editing contour elements or form elements
- Adding a contour or contour element
- Closing the contour
- Resolving a contour
- Trimming – Linear element
- Trimming – Length of contour
- Trimming – Radius of arc
- Trimming – Diameter of linear element
- Transformations – Fundamentals
- Transformations – Shifting
- Transformations – Rotating
- Transformations – Mirroring
- Transformations – Inverting
- 6.12 Assigning Attributes
- Attributes for workpiece blanks
- Attributes – Oversize
- Attributes – Feed rate
- Attributes – Peak-to-valley
- Attributes – Additive compensation
- Machining attributes – Measure
- Machining attributes – Threading
- Machining attributes – Drill – Retraction plane
- Machining attributes – Drilling combinations
- Machining attributes – Contour milling
- Machining attributes – Area milling
- Machining attributes – Deburring
- Machining attributes – Engraving
- Machining attributes – Precision stop
- Machining attributes – Separation point
- Attributes – Exclusion from machining
- Deleting machining attributes
- 6.13 Preparing a Machining Process
- Preparing a machining process – Fundamentals
- Chucking a workpiece at the spindle
- Chucking a workpiece at the tailstock
- Defining the cutting limit
- Deleting the chucking data
- Rechuck – Standard machining
- Rechuck – 1st setup after 2nd setup
- Parameters for two-jaw, three-jaw or four-jaw chucks
- Collet chuck parameters
- Parameters for face drivers (“without chuck”)
- Parameters for face drivers with jaws (“Three- jaw chuck indirect”)
- Setting up and managing tool lists
- 6.14 Interactive Working Plan Generation (IWG)
- Working plan exists
- Generating a work block
- Calling a tool
- Cutting data
- Cycle specification
- Overview of roughing operations
- Roughing longitudinal (G810)
- Roughing transverse (G820)
- Roughing contour-parallel (G830)
- Residual roughing – longitudinal
- Residual roughing – transverse
- Residual roughing – contour-parallel
- Roughing hollowing – neutral tool (G835)
- Overview of recessing operations
- Contour recessing radial/axial (G860)
- Recessing radial/axial (G866)
- Recess turning radial/axial (G869)
- Parting
- Parting and workpiece transfer
- Overview of drilling operations
- Centric predrilling (G74)
- Centering, countersinking (G72)
- Drilling, reaming, deep-hole drilling
- Tapping
- Finishing
- Finishing – Clearance turning
- Finishing – undercut
- Thread machining (G31)
- Overview of milling operations
- Contour milling – Roughing/Finishing (G840)
- Deburring (G840)
- Engraving (G840)
- Pocket milling – Roughing/Finishing (G845/ G846)
- Special machining (SM)
- 6.15 Automatic Working Plan Generation (AWG)
- 6.16 Control Graphics
- 6.17 Configuring TURN PLUS
- 6.18 Machining Information
- 6.19 Example
- Parameters
- 7.1 The Parameter Mode of Operation
- 7.2 Editing Parameters
- 7.3 Machine Parameters (MP)
- 7.4 Control Parameters
- 7.5 Set-Up Parameters
- 7.6 Machining Parameters
- 1 – Global parameters for finished parts
- 2 – Global technology parameters
- 3 – Centric predrilling
- 4 – Roughing
- 5 – Finishing
- 6 – Recessing and contour recessing
- 7 – Thread cutting
- 8 – Measuring
- 9 – Drilling
- 10 – Milling
- Load monitoring
- 20 – Direction of rotation for rear-side machining
- 21 – Name of the subroutines
- 22 – Sequence of tool selection
- 23 – Template management
- 24 – Parameter of the rechucking subroutines
- Operating Resources
- Service and Diagnosis
- Transfer
- Tables and Overviews