1 background mode operation, 1 background mode operation -3, Maxq family user’s guide – Maxim Integrated MAXQ Family User Manual

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The host now can transmit and receive serial data through the 10-bit data shift register that exists between the TDI input and TDO out-

put during DR-Scan sequences. All background and debug mode communication (commands, data input/output, and status) occurs

via this serial channel. Each 10-bit exchange of data between the host and the MAXQ internal hardware is composed of two status bits

and a single byte of command or data. The 10-bit word is always transmitted least significant bit first with the format shown below.

The data byte portion of the 10-bit shift register is interfaced directly to the ICDB parallel register. The ICDB register functions as the hold-

ing data register for both transmit and receive operations. On the falling edge of TCK in the Update-DR state, the outgoing data is loaded

from the ICDB parallel register to the debug shift register and the incoming shift register data is latched in the ICDB parallel register.

16.1 Background Mode Operation

When the instruction register is loaded with the Debug instruction (IR2:0 = 010b), the host can communicate with the MAXQ micro-

controller in a background mode using TAP DR-Scan sequences without disturbing CPU operation. Note, however, that JTAG in-sys-

tem programming also requires use of the 10-bit debug shift register and, if enabled (SPE, PSS1:0 = 100b), takes precedence over

background mode communication. When operating in background mode, the status bits are always cleared to 00b (non-debug), which

indicates that the MAXQ microcontroller is ready to receive background mode commands.

The host can perform the following operations from background mode:

• read/write internal breakpoint registers (BP0-BP5)

• read/write internal in-circuit debug registers (ICDC, ICDF, ICDA, ICDD)

• monitor to determine when a breakpoint match has occurred

• directly invoke debug mode


MAXQ Family User’s Guide










Host Command / Data Input

MAXQ Data Output




Non-Debug. Default condition,
Background mode, or debug
engine inactive.


Debug Idle. Debug engine is
ready to receive data from the
host (command, data).


Debug Busy. Debug engine is
busy without valid data (i.e. ROM
code execution, trace operations).


Debug Valid. Debug engine is
busy with valid data

Maxim Integrated