Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 700

background image




warm tonality 410

defined 668
displaying 506
exporting images with 487, 556
opacity 506, 559
resizing 560
tips for 502
webpage images 559

Web Copyright field 89, 548
Web Export command 555, 557, 558
web export presets

creating 557
deleting 558
editing 558
selecting 554
watermarks 559

Web Export Presets dialog 555, 557, 558
web galleries 538

publishing 560

Web Gallery button 86
Web Gallery Title field 92
web journals

adding images 543, 549
adding pages 543, 550
adding text to pages 544
albums 542
copyright information 548
creating 542
deleting images 549
deleting pages 543, 551
exporting 551, 554
functions and controls 71
header styles 551
metadata-based pages 550
metadata display 547
navigating and viewing 545
numbers of images on pages 546
overview 39, 536
posting on Internet 551
rearranging layout and images 549
rearranging pages 551
resizing images on 547
saving search results as 315
text boxes 549
themes 545
watermarks on images 559

Webpage Editor 332

functions and controls 70, 541, 543
opening 537, 538
overview 38
publishing functions 552
web journals 542


adding images 539, 548
albums 538
badge overlays 290
controls 70
copyright information 548
creating 536, 538
deleting images 548
displaying 544
exporting 541, 544, 551, 554
functions and controls 541
linking to MobileMe homepages 553
metadata display 547
navigating and viewing 545
navigating through 544, 545
numbers of images on 546
numbers of images on pages 546
overview 38, 536
posting on Internet 551
rearranging images in 548
resizing images on 547
saving search results as 315
Smart Webpage Albums 540
text on pages 548
themes 545
types of 536
watermarks on images 559
web journals. See web journals

“When a camera is connected” pop-up menu 87
White Balance adjustment controls 408
White Balance adjustments 328, 408–411

compared to eyedropper tools 423
Temp controls 410
tint adjustments 411
White Balance eyedropper 409

White Balance eyedropper 408, 409
white borders 153, 240
white clipping point 372
White Levels slider 345, 346, 430
white point 669
White Point eyedropper 409
white point values 328, 429
white space characters 129
White Tint color wheel 422, 428
White Tint eyedropper 423, 426
wide-angle lenses 669

of borders 476
of columns 541, 544
of images 70, 72

Width controls 476
width of images 405, 407
Width value slider 70, 72, 407, 541, 544
wire codes 502
workflow processes 239
working space 669