Working with the vignette controls, P. 463), Working with the – Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
Page 463: Vignette controls

Chapter 15
Making Image Adjustments
 Click the left or right arrow in the Intensity value slider to adjust the sharpening by
2 percent increments, or drag in the value field.
The left arrow decreases the sharpening effect on the image, and the right arrow
increases it.
 Double-click the number in the Intensity value slider, then enter a value from 0.00 to
2.00 and press Return.
A value of 0.00 applies no sharpening adjustment to the image. A value greater than
0.00 increases the sharpening adjustment to the image.
Adjust the area over which the sharpening adjustment is applied (the distance, in pixels,
that Aperture goes from each pixel to evaluate sharpness) by doing one of the following:
 By default, the Radius slider is set to 1.00 pixels. Drag the Radius slider to the right to
increase the area over which the sharpening effect is applied, and drag the Radius
slider back to the left to reduce it.
 Click the left or right arrow in the Radius value slider to adjust the Radius pixel
distance by 2 percent increments, or drag in the value field.
 Double-click the number in the Radius value slider, then enter a value from 0.00 to
200.00 and press Return.
A value of 0.00 applies no sharpening adjustment to the image. A value greater than
0.00 increases the area over which the sharpening adjustment is applied.
As you change the parameter values, the image updates to display the sharpening effect.
Working with the Vignette Controls
You use the Vignette adjustment controls to apply a vignette to an image. The term
vignette describes an image whose brightness fades to its periphery from its center.
Vignettes are usually applied to an image after it is shot, for artistic effect. Aperture
provides two types of vignettes: Exposure and Gamma. The Exposure vignette is
designed to simulate a lens-created vignette. The Gamma vignette is designed for
artistic effect and applies a gamma adjustment to the affected pixels within the
vignette. Because the Gamma vignette intensifies the affected pixels, it creates a more
pronounced vignette effect than the Exposure vignette.
Note: You can add a vignette to any image cropped in Aperture. The adjustment is
applied after the image is cropped.