Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
Page 690
amount of detail retained 395
angle of patching 390
defined 388
deleting overlays 397
hiding overlays 396
moving overlays 396
opacity of 394
resizing overlays 391
Softness adjustments 393
Spot & Patch adjustment controls 391
patching adjustments 328, 386–397
patching images 388
Patch tool 212
paths to hard disks 618
pausing slideshows 513
PC mode 114
PCI graphics cards 628
PDF files 476, 479
phase 660
Photo Box Aspect Ratio command 595
photo box buttons 68
photo boxes
adding and filling 577, 582, 593
aspect ratios 595
buttons 68
copying and pasting contents 596
deleting boxes 597
deleting images 596
image size choices 594
moving 595
overlapping 597
photo edits, defined 660
Photo Filter pop-up menu 67, 577, 598
photo printers 660
photos. See images
Photoshop files. See PSD files
Pick command 226
album picks 227
defined 220, 660
marking images as 54, 212
selecting 226
angles of 390
bright pixels in black tint calculation 424
copying 212
dark pixels in white tint calculation 427
defined 660
digital noise and adjustments 410
display resolution 181
radius of pixel area for adjustments 439
size in metadata 273
Placement pop-up menu 273
placing images 527, 584, 586, 587
placing metadata 273
backup systems 613
book layout 573
platform naming conventions 129
playing slideshows 510, 519
PNG files 22, 94, 111, 487, 502, 661
polarizing filters 661
pop-up menus 106, 283, 286, 287
portable computers, working with vaults on 619
portfolios, importing 111
portrait photo boxes 595
positives 661
posting webpages on Internet 551
precise image dimensions 406
Preferences window 86
preset export options 492, 505, 554, 555
preset filename formats 127
preset information display 194
preset keywords 62, 63, 250, 257, 258, 259
preset metadata displays 194
preset print settings 474, 477
presets 661
presets for Monochrome Mixer adjustments 452,
preset slideshows 510, 512
Presets list 514
Preview button 476
preview images 197
previewing images in the iPhoto Browser 142
previewing printing options 476
Preview quality 198
Preview Quality slider 90
previews 196
Activity window 200
sample workflows 202
scheduling JPEG maintenance 201
suppressing generation 206
turning off 205
updating 199
Previews button 86
Previous Image button 53, 64, 153
Previous Page button 69, 71, 72, 542, 544, 578
primary selections 153, 154
Primary Viewer 182, 193
prime lenses 661
Print button 69, 476, 578
Print dialog 474, 533
calibrating 642
color management 635
double-sided functionality 581
gamut 636
settings 475
troubleshooting 477