Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
Page 678

metadata 176, 194, 273, 278
metadata sets 279
multiple displays. See dual displays
overlapping images in Light Table 530
overlays 248
pages in books 580
page spreads in books 578
panes with keyboard shortcuts 77
projects 101
Red Eye target overlays 379
Smart Album contents 318
Spot & Patch target overlays 396
stacks 185
storage space available 615
toolbar 53, 211, 334
unrated images 238
Viewer 182
watermarks 501, 506
webpages 544, 545
zooming in or out to view book pages 581
calibration 473, 506, 633
color environment tips 363
color management 635
defined 651
device profiles 638
extended desktop or mirroring mode 631
Full Screen view 208
gamut 636
HUDs. See HUDs
Light Table adjustments 530
multiple displays. See dual displays
proofing images on 482
rearranging 632
resolution 363
slideshows 510, 515
Display Size slider 68, 578, 581
Dissolve slideshow preset 510, 512
distorting adjustments 651
distributing images
Light Table review 37
methods 35
printing books 39
slideshows 36
web journals 39
webpages 38, 536
dividing stacks 133, 228
DNG 22, 111
dot gain 651
dot-per-inch (dpi) print resolution 476
dots per inch (dpi) 506, 651
“Double-click photo” pop-up menu 88
double-sided printing 581
dpi (dots per inch) 506, 651
DPI field 476
folders into projects 139
images from Smart Albums 169
images in Browser 162
images in Light Table 526, 527
images in stacks 229
images into books 571, 582
images into projects 134
images into stacks 228
images into web journals 543
images into webpages 539
keywords for images 252
keywords in preset groups 261
panning view of images 191
stacks 229
drift 635, 651
drivers for hardware 628
drop shadows 651
DSLRs (digital single-lens reflex cameras) 650
dual displays 193, 332, 629–633
calibrating 641
configuring 631–633
Full Screen view and 25, 208
Main and Secondary Viewer 182
PCI graphics cards and 628
slideshow choices 515
slideshows and 515, 519
duplex printing 581
Duplicate Book command 608
Duplicate Page command 585, 586, 587, 588, 591,
Duplicate Version button 166, 211
duplicating. See copying
Duration slider 514
dust and scratch removal 651
dust on images 386
DVI ports 630
dye sublimation 651
Edge Detail slider 458
Edge Sharpen adjustment 328, 461
Edge Sharpen controls 459
Edge Sharpen workflow 462
Edges value slider 354
Edit Button Sets window 260
Edit Content button 67, 572, 576, 598
Edit Current Set command 282