Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 699

background image



Update All Vaults button 65, 615, 617
Update Vault command 617
Update Vault Path command 618

images on multiple computers 619
master pages 606
Smart Albums 319
vault images 613
vaults 65, 100, 614, 615, 617

updating histograms 331
USB cables 627
Use Best DPI checkbox 476
“Use embedded JPEG from camera when possible”
checkbox 90
user interface elements 43, 44
using an external editor 350


value sliders 332, 333

backing up referenced images 612

Vault Action pop-up menu 65, 615, 616
Vault pane

displaying 77
functions 65
hiding 77
illustrated 41
opening 18
overview 614

Vault Pane button 65, 615

adding or deleting 615
backing up library to 612
creating 616
defined 94, 100, 668
deleting images in 619
identifying hard disks 616
locking and unlocking 619
overview 41
planning backup systems 614
reconnecting hard disks 618
restoring images from 612
restoring library from 621
source vaults 621
status of 65, 614
updating 100, 613, 615, 617
working with multiple computers 619

Vault Status button 65, 613, 615
version buttons 54, 211
Version Name and Date/Time format 127
Version Name format 127
version names

formats for 127
in metadata 273

searching for 175, 312

Version Name with Index format 127
Version Name with Sequence format 127
version numbers 58

in albums 96
creating 54, 165, 211
creating while importing 110
defined 94, 95, 668
deleting 105, 166
duplicating 211
exporting 492, 554
incremental versions 165
moving into other projects or albums 168
numbers 58
in projects 96
renaming 158
toolbar buttons 54, 211

Vibrancy parameter controls 421
video cards 628
Viewer 18, 332

adjusting image view 191
background 88, 182
badge overlays 290
comparing images in 184
defined 668
displaying metadata 195
displaying or hiding 182
full-resolution image display 191
hot areas in images 190
image display size 181
keyword display in 246
keywords in 247, 250, 275, 276, 277
Loupe 189
metadata in 194, 270, 273, 275
multiple screen displays 182, 193
number of images in 183
onscreen proofing 192
overview 180
shortcut menu 206
stacks in 185
switching to Book Layout Editor 583

Viewer area 91
Viewer Background Brightness slider 88
Viewer Mode pop-up menu 50, 56, 193, 213
Viewer Only view 77
viewfinders 668
view options 247, 250, 275, 276, 277
View pop-up menu 61
Vignette adjustment 34, 328
Vignette adjustment controls 463

Exposure and Gamma 463

vignetting 668