Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
Page 554

Part IV
Exporting Webpages as HTML Files
Integrating your Aperture webpages into your business’s website requires you to
thoroughly understand your website structure and web server. With some planning, you
can modify your home or access pages to provide links to your Aperture webpages.
You can also open your webpages in a standard HTML editor and make the changes
required for them to work in your site. You can add and revise the HTML code that creates
the page structure. You can plan how the pages link to the structure of your website and
provide additional items such as navigation buttons or links that normally appear on your
webpages. If you use a web design service to create and maintain your site, you can
supply your Aperture files to your design service as a folder and allow the design service
to integrate your Aperture webpages. If you are your own webmaster, you can transfer
your Aperture web files to your web server or Internet service provider using a copying
method such as FTP, or using the transfer features of your webpage service.
You can export webpages that you’ve created in Aperture. When you export your
Aperture webpages, you can export them to a folder on your computer to keep them
organized in one place. You can name the folder and choose the image quality and file
types that are created. Aperture has web export presets you can choose that
automatically set up the export of webpages. You can choose an existing export preset
or create your own.
To export webpages:
Click the Export Web Pages button.
Type a name for the folder that will hold the webpage files in the Export As field.
Choose a location for the webpage folder from the Where pop-up menu.
Choose a web export preset for your thumbnail images from the Thumbnail Image
Preset pop-up menu.
Choose a web export preset for your detail image pages from the Detail Image Preset
pop-up menu.