Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 475

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Chapter 16

Printing Your Images



Copies & Pages
 Copies field: Enter the number of copies of the image to print.
 Pages buttons and fields: Print the entire selection of images or a reduced set.

Printer Selection
 Printer field: Displays the printer that will print the images.
 Printer Settings button: Click this button to choose a printer and adjust its settings. If

you are using an ICC profile for your printer and paper choice, click this button and
choose Color Management from the third pop-up menu from the top of the dialog,
then select No Color Adjustment to turn off system-level color management.
Aperture can then control color management using an ICC profile selected for your
printer and paper.

 Calibrate button: Click this button to print a calibration page to determine the

position of the margins.

 Paper Size pop-up menu: Choose a paper size from the list of available sizes.
 Orientation pop-up menu: Choose landscape or portrait orientation, or Best Fit. Best

Fit automatically orients your image to the page and is usually a good choice for
printing single images, but may not provide good results for contact sheets.

 ColorSync Profile pop-up menu: Choose a printer profile to use when printing.
 Black Point Compensation checkbox: Select this checkbox to scale the black and white

luminance values to the selected ColorSync profile. This option compensates for the
difference between the way black images are saturated on a computer screen and
the way black ink is saturated on a print. Turning on black point compensation can
prevent shadows from appearing as solid black.

 Gamma value slider: Specify a gamma setting to adjust the brightness of the printed

image so that it matches the display’s output as closely as possible. Because displays
illuminate images, images shown on a display screen tend to appear more luminous
than when printed. Increasing the gamma value can compensate for this difference.
A typical setting ranges between 1.1 and 1.2.

 Sharpen Amount slider and value slider: Specify the amount of sharpness applied to

the image as it is printed. Because images appear sharper onscreen than they do in
print, a sharpen adjustment is often necessary to make the printed image match the
image that appears onscreen.

 Sharpen Radius slider and value slider: Specify the area over which the sharpening

adjustment is applied (the distance, in pixels, that Aperture goes from each pixel to
evaluate sharpness).