Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
Page 695
Sensitivity slider 377
sensor dust 328, 386
Sepia Tone adjustment controls 456
Sepia Tone adjustments 328, 456
sepia-tone filters 597
sequences of images 127, 221
Set 1 pop-up menu 247
Set Album Pick command 227
Set Background Page pop-up menu 67
Set Compare Item command 184, 240
Set Master Page pop-up menu 67, 577, 585, 591
setting crop dimensions 406
settings as the default camera parameters 358
setting the tint of highlight values 427
setting up systems 626–633
Shadow Brightness Levels 433
Shadow detail 414
shadows 506, 665
shadows adjustments 328, 435–444
advanced settings 438
brightness adjustments and 416, 437
color correction and saturation 440
in histograms 360, 362, 363
levels adjustments 429
midtone contrast 443
Quarter-Tone Levels adjustments and 432
radius of pixel areas 439
removing color casts 422, 428
setting range of adjustments 443
tinting 423
Shadows slider 438
“Share previews with iLife and iWork” checkbox 90
sharing custom book themes 608
sharing images. See distributing images
sharing photos in iLife or iWork 40
Sharpen adjustment controls 462
Sharpen adjustments 328, 458
Sharpen Amount slider and value slider 475
Sharpen controls 462
sharpening 351, 354
Sharpening checkbox 353
Sharpen Radius slider and value slider 475
shortcut keys. See keyboard shortcuts
shortcut menus
defined 665
displaying 106
Full Screen view 218
Projects inspector 108
Viewer 206
“Show ‘Loading...’ indicator while full size images
load” checkbox 88
“Show activity label next to the status indicator”
checkbox 88
“Show alert when import is finished” checkbox 87
Show All Images button 73, 527, 582
Show Crop HUD
“Show crop marks” option 476
Show Full Spreads button 69, 578, 581
showing the hot and cold areas 190
Show Inspector command 270
Show Inspector HUD
Show Keyword Controls command 257
Show Keywords HUD
Show Lift & Stamp HUD
Show Master Image button 50, 56, 192, 213
Show Master Pages command 587, 605
“Show number of versions for projects and albums”
checkbox 88
Show Red Eye HUD
Show Retouch HUD
Show Single Pages button 69, 578, 581
“Show tooltips on controls” checkbox 89
Show Unplaced Images button 73, 527, 582
“Show warning when deleting masters”
checkbox 87
Show Watermark checkbox 506, 556, 559
shutter priority 665
shutters 665
shutter speeds 58, 273, 665
Shuttle control 45, 46, 52, 150, 155, 156, 665
Shuttle filmstrip left
Shuttle filmstrip right
sidelighting 665
single-image prints 474, 665
Single Images preset 477
single-page view 578, 581
Site Theme button 70, 71, 541, 543, 546
Size To pop-up menu 506
skin tones 453
sky filter presets 453
sliders 332, 333, 665
slideshow button 61
Slideshow Preset pop-up menu 511
slideshow presets
creating 516
dual displays and 519
editing 517
functions and controls for 514
grid patterns 518
music settings 520
types of 510