Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 336

background image


Part III

Performing Image Adjustments


Deselect the IPTC and Keywords checkboxes to prevent Aperture from copying IPTC
metadata and keywords from the selected image.


If necessary, remove any unwanted adjustments by clicking the Adjustments disclosure
triangle in the Lift & Stamp HUD, selecting the unwanted adjustments, and then
pressing Delete.


In the tool strip, select the Selection tool (or press A), then do one of the following:

 Drag a selection rectangle around the images to which you want to apply

the adjustments.

 Select the images to which you want to apply the adjustments by Shift-clicking to select

a range of adjacent images and Command-clicking to select nonadjacent images.

Note: The adjustments aren’t applied to images within closed stacks. If you want to
stamp the adjustments on images within a stack, you must open it first by choosing
Stacks > Open Stack (or pressing Shift-K).

Deselect a checkbox to

prevent Aperture from

copying the item from

the selected image.

Select an adjustment and
press Delete to remove it.