Designating an album pick for a stack, Arranging images in a stack – Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
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Chapter 8
Stacking Images and Making Picks
Designating an Album Pick for a Stack
The same stack may appear in several albums. Depending on the purpose of the
album, you may want a different pick image for each album. For example, a stack in a
webpage album may have one pick image, and the same stack in a book album may
have a different pick image adjusted for printing. You can designate a specific image in
a stack to be an “album pick”—the pick for the stack within a specific album. Each
album can have a different album pick for the stack.
An album pick appears with the Album Pick badge.
To select an album pick for a stack that appears in multiple albums:
Select an image in the stack, then choose Stacks > Set Album Pick, or press
Command-Shift-Backslash (\).
Arranging Images in a Stack
It can sometimes be difficult to decide which image in the stack should be the pick.
In many cases, images are so similar that more than one merits the pick position. For
this reason, you may want to have alternate images available when presenting
images to clients.
You can change the order of images within a stack to help you choose the pick and
alternates. Moving an image to the left promotes it, and moving it to the right demotes it.
To promote an image in a stack, do one of the following:
Select an image, then choose Stacks > Promote, or press Command–Left Bracket ([).
Drag the image over the image location you want until you see a green bar appear,
then release the mouse button.
To demote an image in a stack, do one of the following:
Select an image, then choose Stacks > Demote, or press Command–Right Bracket (]).
Drag the image over the image location you want until you see a green bar appear,
then release the mouse button.
Album Pick badge