Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 418

background image


Part III

Performing Image Adjustments

To adjust the contrast in an image:


Select an image.


In the Enhance area of the Adjustments inspector or the Adjustments pane of the
Inspector HUD, adjust the Contrast parameter by doing one of the following:

 Drag the Contrast slider.
 Click the left or right arrow in the Contrast value slider to change the contrast of the

image by 5 percent increments, or drag in the value field.

 Double-click the number in the Contrast value slider, then enter a value from

–1.00 to 1.00 and press Return.

A value below 0.0 decreases the contrast in the image. A value greater than 0.0
increases the contrast in the image. The contrast in the image updates as you change
the parameter value.

Note: If you’re trying to retrieve detail in a high-contrast image, you should use the
Highlights & Shadows controls. For more information, see “

Working with the Highlights

& Shadows Controls

” on page 435.

Use the Contrast slider
and value slider to
modify the contrast
between light and dark
colors in the image.