Applying keywords usingthelift&stamp hud, Applying keywords using the lift & stamp hud, P. 262) – Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 262

background image


Part II

Photo Editing


Drag the keywords in the Contents column into the order you want.

The first eight keywords will be assigned to the keyboard shortcut key combination of
Option and a number key (1 through 8) on the keyboard. To remove a keyword from
the column, select it and press Delete, or click the Delete (–) button below the column.


After arranging the keywords in order, click OK.

The new keyword preset group appears in the Keyword Preset Group pop-up menu.

If the keyword preset group has fewer than eight keywords, the unassigned keys
are inactive.

Applying Keywords Using the Lift & Stamp HUD

If you have images that should share the same keywords, you can use the Lift and
Stamp tools to quickly apply all or some of the keywords from one image to other
images. Using the Lift and Stamp tools is an efficient way to apply keywords and other
types of metadata, such as ratings, to large numbers of images. The Lift and Stamp
tools can also apply adjustments made to images, such as cropping, straightening,
exposure changes, and other adjustments. For more information about using the Lift
and Stamp tools to apply adjustments, see “

Applying Adjustments to a Group of


” on page 335.

The Lift and Stamp tools have a corresponding HUD you can use in the Browser, the
Viewer, and the Light Table, as well as in Full Screen view.

To lift all the keywords from an image and stamp them on another image
or group of images:


Click an image.


Select the Lift tool (or press O).

Lift tool in the tool strip

Stamp tool in the tool