Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 422

background image


Part III

Performing Image Adjustments

To adjust vibrancy in an image:


Select an image.


In the Enhance area of the Adjustments inspector or the Adjustments pane of the
Inspector HUD, adjust the Vibrancy parameter by doing one of the following:

 Drag the Vibrancy slider.
 Click the left or right arrow in the Vibrancy value slider to change the saturation of

the image by 5 percent increments, or drag in the value field.

 Double-click the number in the Vibrancy value slider, then enter a value from

–1.00 to 1.00 and press Return.

A value below 0.0 decreases the color saturation in the image, and a value above 0.0
increases the saturation of the nonsaturated colors. A value of –1.00 removes all color
from the image, making it grayscale except for any skin tones.

Setting the Tint of the Black, Gray, and White Values
in the Image

You use the Black Tint, Gray Tint, and White Tint color wheels when you want to
selectively remove color casts from the shadows, midtones, and highlights in the image.
Color casts are often caused by shooting in mixed lighting and unnatural lighting
situations, where the difference in the color from the mixture of multiple types of source
lights can produce a color variance in a specific tonal range in an image. For example,
when shooting indoors, interior incandescent (tungsten) lighting can often produce a
yellow color cast through the white colors in the image. Using the White Tint
eyedropper, you can have Aperture isolate the highlights and add blue to the white
values, thereby reducing the yellow color cast and returning the whites to neutral white.

Use the Vibrancy
slider and value slider
to add smart saturation
to the image.