Apple Aperture 2 User Manual
Page 356

To adjust the Moire and Radius parameters:
Select a RAW image imported with or migrated to Aperture 2.0 or later.
The version is indicated by the RAW Decode Version pop-up menu.
Adjust the amount of signal to apply the Moire adjustment to by doing one of
the following:
 The default value for the Moire slider and value slider is 0.10. Drag the Moire slider to
the right to increase the amount of signal the Moire adjustment is applied to during
the RAW decoding process, and drag the Moire slider back to the left to reduce it.
 Click the left or right arrow in the Moire value slider to adjust the intensity by 10
percent increments, or drag in the value field.
 Double-click the number in the Moire value slider, then enter a value from 0.10 to
10.00 and press Return.
A value of 0.10 applies the least amount of moire correction during the RAW
decoding process. A value greater than 0.10 increases the moire correction during the
RAW decoding process.
Adjust the pixel area (visual threshold) the Moire adjustment is applied to by doing one
of the following:
 The default value for the Radius slider and value slider is 4.00 pixels. Drag the Radius
slider to the right to increase the area over which the Moire adjustment is applied
during the RAW decoding process, and drag the Radius slider back to the left to
reduce it.
 Click the left or right arrow in the Moire value slider to adjust the radius by 10
percent increments, or drag in the value field.
 Double-click the number in the Radius value slider, then enter a value from 0.10 to
10.00 and press Return.
A value of 0.10 is the most limited area over which Moire correction is applied during
the RAW decoding process. A value greater than 0.10 increases area over which the
Moire correction is applied during the RAW decoding process.
Use the Moire slider and value slider to adjust the
amount of signal the Moire adjustment is applied to
during the RAW decoding process.
Use the Radius slider and value slider to adjust
the visual threshold of the Moire adjustment
during the RAW decoding process.