Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 394

background image


Part III

Performing Image Adjustments

Adjusting the Opacity Within Spot & Patch Target Overlays

Another method of modifying Spot & Patch target overlays to make cloned pixels
blend in better with surrounding pixels is to adjust the opacity of pixels in the target
overlay. The higher the Opacity parameter value, the more the cloned pixels obscure
the original pixels they cover.

To adjust the opacity of cloned pixels in a Spot & Patch target overlay:


In the Spot & Patch area of the Adjustments inspector or the Adjustments pane of the
Inspector HUD, adjust the Opacity parameter by doing one of the following:

 Drag the Opacity slider.
 Click the left or right arrow in the Opacity value slider, or drag in the value field.
 Double-click the number in the Opacity value slider, then enter a value from 0.00 to

100.00 and press Return.

A low value decreases the opacity of the cloned pixels in the Spot & Patch target
overlay, and a high value increases the opacity.

You can adjust
the opacity of the
cloned pixels.

Use the Opacity slider
and value slider to adjust
the opacity of the cloned
pixels in the target