Creating an export preset – Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 506

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Part IV

Distribution and Backup

 Size To pop-up menu: Export your images at their original size, or specify image

dimensions or a percentage of the image’s original size.

 DPI: Specify dots per inch (dpi), the resolution at which the images will be reproduced.
 Gamma Adjust slider: Gamma describes how your image distributes brightness. Drag

the slider to apply a uniform gamma adjustment to your exported images.

 ColorSync Profile pop-up menu: Choosing a ColorSync profile ensures consistent color

reproduction on other systems and in the printed image. Aperture provides a large
selection of profiles, and any custom profiles you’ve saved during calibration are also
included in the pop-up menu. To apply a ColorSync profile to the images you’ve
selected for export, choose a profile from the pop-up menu.

 Black Point Compensation checkbox: Select this checkbox to scale the black and white

luminance values to the selected ColorSync profile. Activating black point
compensation can prevent shadows from appearing as solid black.

 Show Watermark checkbox: To add a watermark to your images, select this checkbox.

After selecting the checkbox, you can choose a file to apply as a watermark image
and place your watermark with a specified opacity on your image.

For more information about adding watermarks, see “

Adding a Watermark at Export

on page 501.

Creating an Export Preset

If none of the predefined export presets suit your needs, you can create your own
export preset. An easy way to create a new export preset is to copy an existing preset
and then modify the copy.