Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 682

background image



hidden images in Light Table 530

filmstrip 210
image tooltips 277
master pages 605
metadata 177, 195
overlays 248
page numbers 593
panes with keyboard shortcuts 77
Red Eye target overlays 379
rejected images 298
Spot & Patch target overlays 396
unrated images 298
Viewer 182

high-contrast images 418
Highlight brightness levels 433
Highlight Hot & Cold Areas command 190
Highlights & Shadows adjustment controls 435
Highlights & Shadows adjustments

advanced settings 438

Highlights & Shadows area 437, 438
Highlights & Shadows controls

high tonal width 442
low tonal width 444

highlights adjustments 328, 435–444

advanced settings 438
brightness values and 416, 436
color correction and saturation 440
in histograms 360, 362, 363
levels adjustments and 429
midtone contrast 443
Quarter-Tone Levels adjustments and 432
radius of pixel areas 439
removing color casts 422, 428
setting range of highlights 441
White Tint eyedropper 426

Highlights parameter controls 436
Highlights slider 437
high-resolution images 473
High Tonal Width parameter controls 441
High Tonal Width parameter value 441
High Tonal Width slider 438, 441, 442

contrast in 361
correcting images with 363
defined 331
exposure and 360
Levels histogram 430
luminance levels and 429
overview 360
reading 360
tonality in 361
updating 331

homepages, linking to 553
Hot Area Display Threshold slider 88
hot areas 88, 190

hot areas display threshold 190
HTML files

exporting 551, 554
saving webpages or journals 538

HUDs (heads-up displays)

using in Full Screen view 214
functions and controls 74
working with 25

Hue Boost parameter 352


ICC profiles 638, 640, 642

badge icons 290
tools 79

identifying referenced images 170
iDisk Storage indicator 92
ID numbers 175, 312
IEEE 1394. See FireWire
image adjustments

adding controls for 331
adjusting during export 500
Adjustments inspector 60
Adjustments pane of Inspector HUD 35, 215
applying to multiple images 335
applying to stacked images 336
automatic adjustments 366–372
badge overlays 290
buttons and tools 333
checkboxes 333
Color Monochrome adjustments 455
crop adjustments 402–407
defined 643
deselecting unwanted adjustments 336
displaying controls 329
editing images in other applications 350
editing in external editors 350
editing prior adjustments 61
exposure adjustments 412–428
in Full Screen view 334
gamma adjustments 556
highlights and shadows adjustments 435–444
histograms and 363
HUDs for tools 75, 215
Levels adjustments 429–435
lifting 212
Monochrome Mixer adjustments 452–454
Noise Reduction adjustments 457–458
onscreen adjustments 363
overview 328
patching adjustments 386–397
Red Eye Correction adjustments 372–380
resetting controls 333
Sepia Tone adjustments 456
sliders for 332