Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 698

background image




for books 569, 575, 576, 579
header styles 551
list of 575
master pages 591, 604
selecting and editing 545
switching to other themes 579
for web journals 543
for webpages 541

Themes list 579
Three Up command 183
Thumbnail Image Preset pop-up menu 552
Thumbnail Resize slider 46, 52, 151, 156, 158

of book pages 569
creating while importing 110
in grid view 155, 156
in image indexes 588
size of 151, 156, 158
viewing images as 150
on webpages 552

TIFF files 22, 94, 111, 487, 502, 667

adjusting for imported images 134
bracketing images 133
in filenames 106, 127
slideshow timing 514
stacking shots in same time interval 222
time zones 134, 175, 312
timing slideshows to music 521

Timing pop-up menu 514, 521
Tint color wheels 422

resetting 428

Tint eyedroppers 423
Tint parameter controls 411

applying 328, 455
applying to midtones 455
correcting shadows 423
in midtones 425
removing 422
resetting color wheels 428
setting manually with color wheels 428
Tint parameter 411
White Balance adjustments 408
White Balance eyedropper 409
White Tint eyedropper 426

Tint slider 411
titles on pages 548

expanding tonal range 371
highlights adjustments 438, 441
in histograms 360, 361
luminance adjustments 430
range included in adjustments 439
shadows adjustments 438, 443

warm or cool 410

toolbar 51

adding tools to 79
customizing 78
displaying 78
in Full Screen view 208, 211, 334
hiding 78
illustrated 18
image adjustments and 333
overview 61
restoring 79


adding to toolbar 79
in Full Screen view 334
image adjustments and 333
labels and icons 79
toolbar buttons 61

tools HUDs 215
tool strip 73, 151
tooltips for images 270, 277

files 488
images from cameras or cards 114
images from Smart Albums 323
images to or from Light Table 532
images to other computers 620
libraries 621
projects 96, 143

transition effects 667
transparency of Spot & Patch adjustments 394
transparency of watermarks 506, 559
trimming pictures. See crop adjustments
tripods 667
troubleshooting printers 477
tungsten lighting 422
tungsten lights 667


Uncover button 73, 530
underexposed images 360, 437
underexposure 667
unifying master pages 606
unipods 667
unlinking metadata boxes from images 600
Unlink Metadata Box command 600
unlocking print presets 482
unlocking vaults 619
unplaced images

creating pages automatically 586
displaying 582
flowing into books 584, 587
Light Table placement 527

unrated images 238, 298
unstacking images 224
untagged images 667