Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 673

background image



backing up images

after import 143
archives, defined 644
creating vaults 616
functions and controls 615
overview 41, 612
planning systems for 613
reconnecting hard disks 618
restoring files 612
restoring library 621
storage space 614, 615
updating vaults 617
in vaults 41, 65, 100, 616
working with multiple computers 619

backing up in slideshows 513
backlighting 644
back-to-back printing 581
“Badge referenced images” checkbox 89, 170

displaying 273, 292
Light Table display 532
types of 290

basic workspace layout 77
Batch Change dialog 288
batch changes to metadata 288
Bayer pattern color filter array 644
bit depth 412, 473, 644
black-and-white images 597

converting color to 453, 454, 455
Monochrome Mixer adjustments 452
sepia tone adjustments 456
tinting 455

Black Levels slider 345, 346, 430
black point compensation 475, 644
Black Point Compensation setting 475, 500, 506
Black Point slider 345, 346
black point values 328, 429
Black Tint color wheel 422, 428
Black Tint eyedropper tool 423
black Vault Status buttons 615
blank screens, setting 193
bleeds 478
blemishes on images 386
blending spot and patch adjustments 393
blue channels

adjusting separately 370, 452
color correction levels adjustments 429, 433, 435
converting to grayscale 328
in histograms 331
in luminance 369
Monochrome Mixer adjustments 454

blue color channel

adjusting 435

blue filter preset 453
Blue slider 454
blue tones

adding 435
darkening 453
removing 435

Book Action pop-up menu 67, 577, 584
book albums

copying 608
creating 575
saving search results as 315

Book Layout Editor 332

displaying 568
functions and controls 66, 576–578
master page views 604
overview 39
printing books 479
selecting themes 579
switching to Viewer 583


adding images 572, 575, 582, 583
adding or removing pages 577, 584, 586, 592
badge overlays 290
book albums 315, 575
copying albums 608
covers 578, 590
creating 39, 575
creating automatically 571
custom themes 607
displaying pages 580
editing text and layout 576
flowing unplaced images into 584
indexes 577, 588
layout controls 67
metadata boxes 599
metadata in 571, 577
navigating through pages 580
numbering pages 592
number of pages in 573
ordering 573, 578, 609
overview 568
photo boxes 577, 593
planning process 573
printing 479, 573, 609
rearranging pages 591
rebuilding after changes 593
saving search results in albums 315
shortcut keys for turning pages 580
single-page or full-spread view 578, 581
text boxes 598
text on pages 572, 577
themes 569, 575, 576, 579
unplaced images 582, 587
updating pages with changes 606
zooming view of pages 578, 581

Book Size pop-up menu 575
Boost 351
Boost controls 352