Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 697

background image




adding and removing images 228
arranging images in 227
closing 220
comparing images in 223
creating 133, 221, 224
defined 666
displaying 185
dividing 133
dragging images in 229
dragging stacks 229
Full Screen view 230
importing images automatically 133, 222
keyboard shortcuts for 231
list view 229
in multiple albums 227
opening or closing 133, 226
overview 30, 219
picks 54, 212, 220, 226
promoting and demoting images 227
selecting images in 154
splitting 228
tips for quickly creating 225
toolbar buttons 54, 212
unstacking 224

stacks, opening 336
stamping 49, 55, 212, 263, 265
stamping image adjustments 335
Stamp tool 49, 55, 212, 263, 335
Stamp tool HUD 75
star ratings 234
state names in metadata 274, 289
stock ID numbers 175, 312
stopping down 666
stopping slideshows 513
Stop shuttling left or right

keyboard shortcut 217

storage space 614, 615, 627
Straighten adjustment controls 400, 401
Straighten adjustments 328, 332, 399–401
straightening images 49, 55, 212
Straighten tool 49, 55, 212, 332, 400
subfolder organization 123
subfolders 139
subject-based organization 101
subordinate keywords 255
subtitles on pages 548
subtractive color 666
Switch Aspect Ratio button 405

aspect ratios 405
between projects 104
to Full Screen view 50, 209, 334
metadata sets 273, 276, 277, 278

themes 579
workspaces 77

SWOP 666
symbols in filenames 129
synchronizing vaults and backup files 100
system setup 626–631


tab-delimited keyword lists 268
tabs 667
target files 667
telephoto lenses 667
Temp controls 410
temperature, color 408, 409, 410

books 569
header styles 551
web journal templates 543

Temp slider 410
terms, glossary of 643–669
tethered shooting 135

cameras supported 135

Tether HUD 137

adding to books 572
adding to web journals 544
on book covers 590
in books 571, 576
boxes. See text boxes
buttons 68
columns in 602
on contact sheets 476
deleting 550
formatting 577, 601
keyword lists 268
lost after switching themes 579
moving on pages 602
searching for images by 302
on web journal pages 549
on webpages 548
See also metadata

Text Box Columns command 602
text boxes

adding boxes to pages 577, 599
adding text to 598
columns in 602
deleting 602
moving 602

text buttons 68
text files 268
Text Style pop-up menu 67, 577, 601
texture in images 395
Theme button 67, 569, 576, 579