Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 679

background image




badge overlays on images 290
book page layouts 572
contents of Smart Albums 322
export presets 507
files outside of Aperture 144
images 23–28, 651
master pages 605
metadata 278, 288
metadata sets 282
photo layout in books 595
print presets 481
slideshow presets 517
web export presets 557, 558
webpage themes 545

editing images in external editors 350
Edit Layout button 67, 572, 576, 595, 599
Edit Link button 553
effects 651
Eject button 618

cards from readers 116
hard disks 618

electromagnetic radiation 652
Email button 61
Email Export Preset pop-up menu 89, 504
“Email images using” pop-up menu 89
emailing images 503
embedded profiles 652
empty projects 115, 117
emulsion 652
Enhance adjustment 328
Enhance adjustment controls 417
erasing cards in readers 116
evaluating exposure 360
evaluative metering 652
event-based organization 101
Exchangeable Image File data. See EXIF
(Exchangeable Image File) metadata
EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata

adding fields to metadata sets 282
date information 305
defined 652
displaying 58, 176, 194
exporting 487
fields in 273
finding images with 309

EXIF button 282
Exit Full Screen button 56, 213
Export button 76, 86
Export dialog 489
Exported Master Name Format pop-up menu 489
Export File Format pop-up menu 89

adjusting images for export 500
black point adjustments and 500

ColorSync profiles and 500
export presets. See export presets
gamma adjustments 500
HTML files 551
image quality and 500
images, defined 652
images for email 503
keywords 245, 268
lists of metadata 487
masters 489
metadata 503
metadata with images 502
overview 487
PDF files 479
projects 143, 620
renaming files during export 496
using plug-ins 503
versions 492, 554
watermarks 501, 559
web export presets 554, 555
web journal pages 544
webpages 541, 551
XMP sidecar files 487

Export Name Format pop-up menu 493, 496
export plug-ins 503
Export Preset pop-up menu 493
export presets

creating 506
defined 488, 505
deleting 508
displaying settings 505
for email 503
filenames and 496
image adjustments and 500
metadata included in 502
modifying 507
versions of images 493
watermarks 501
web export presets 555

Export Presets dialog 505, 507
Export Web Pages button 71, 72, 541, 544, 554

defined 652
evaluating 360
hot areas 190
metadata 58

Exposure adjustment controls 412
exposure adjustments 328, 412–428

Auto Exposure button 367
black, gray, and white values 422
brightness 416
contrast 417
Exposure parameter 412
histograms and 360
saturation 420

exposure bias 273