Apple Aperture 2 User Manual

Page 693

background image



Red Eye target overlay 374

deleting 380
moving 379

Red Eye tool 49, 55, 213, 373
Red Eye tool HUD 75
red filter preset 453
red rectangle symbol 191
Red slider 454
red tones

adding 434
darkening 453
removing 434

red Vault Status buttons 615
referenced images 94, 98, 115, 118

backing up 100, 612
changing the location 122
consolidating into the library 174
displaying a list 171
identifying 170
importing 110, 121, 124
importing iPhoto library 139
locating masters 172
reconnecting 172
relocating 174
searching for 175
working with 169

refining search results 301
reflowing images in books 577
Reject button 53, 63, 236
rejecting images

buttons for 236
displaying rejected images 238
hiding rejected images 298

Reject ratings 234, 663
relative colorimetric 663
relinking metadata boxes to images 600
Remove Album command 167
Remove and Delete Vault button 619
Remove From Album command 548
Remove From Favorites command 104
Remove Keyword button 76, 251, 256
Remove Page button 72, 543, 551
Remove Vault command 619

albums 106
background images 592
blue or yellow color casts 422, 435
book pages 584
color casts 422
colors. See desaturation
export presets 508
folders 105
green or magenta color casts 411, 434
hard disks 618
images from Browser 166
images from Light Table 526

images from photo boxes 596
images from slideshows 513
images from Smart Albums 322
images from stacks 228
images from web journals 549
images from webpages 548
image versions 105
items from projects 105
keywords 256, 260, 267
Light Table albums 534
masters 166, 167
metadata boxes 602
metadata categories 282
noise 457
pages from books 577, 584, 592
photo boxes 597
print presets 482
projects 104, 105
red-eye 373
Red Eye target overlays 380
red or cyan casts 434
Smart Albums 324
Spot & Patch target overlays 397
text boxes 550, 602
tools from toolbar 79
vault images 619
vaults 619
versions 166
web export presets 558
web journal pages 543, 551

removing color casts from the midtones 425

files 158
image versions 158

rendering intent 663
Repair brush 382
Reset All Warnings button 87
Reset button 60

adjustment controls 333
automatic adjustments 372
color wheels 428
exposure adjustments 368
toolbar 79


common sizes for images 405
cropping images 403
filmstrip 211
fonts 476
images during export 506
images for email 503
images for printing 476
images in Light Table 528
images in photo boxes 594
Light Table view 531
Loupe tool 187, 189