Microsens MS453490M Management Guide User Manual
Page 947

| IP Interface Commands
IPv6 Interface
– 947 –
The following shows all known IPv6 neighbors for this switch:
Console#show ipv6 neighbors
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State VLAN
2009:DB9:2229::79 666 00-11-22-33-44-55 REACH 1
FE80::200:E8FF:FE90:0 671 00-11-22-33-44-55 REACH 1
Table 143: show ipv6 neighbors - display description
IPv6 Address
IPv6 address of neighbor
The time since the address was verified as reachable (in seconds). A static
entry is indicated by the value “Permanent.”
Link-layer Addr
Physical layer MAC address.
The following states are used for dynamic entries:
INCMP (Incomplete) - Address resolution is being carried out on the entry.
A neighbor solicitation message has been sent to the multicast address of
the target, but it has not yet returned a neighbor advertisement message.
REACH (Reachable) - Positive confirmation was received within the last
ReachableTime interval that the forward path to the neighbor was
functioning. While in REACH state, the device takes no special action when
sending packets.
STALE - More than the ReachableTime interval has elapsed since the last
positive confirmation was received that the forward path was functioning.
While in STALE state, the device takes no action until a packet is sent.
DELAY - More than the ReachableTime interval has elapsed since the last
positive confirmation was received that the forward path was functioning.
A packet was sent within the last DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME interval. If no
reachability confirmation is received within this interval after entering the
DELAY state, the switch will send a neighbor solicitation message and
change the state to PROBE.
PROBE - A reachability confirmation is actively sought by resending
neighbor solicitation messages every RetransTimer interval until
confirmation of reachability is received.
UNKNO - Unknown state.
The following states are used for static entries:
INCMP (Incomplete)-The interface for this entry is down.
REACH (Reachable) - The interface for this entry is up. Reachability
detection is not applied to static entries in the IPv6 neighbor discovery
VLAN interface from which the address was reached.