Microsens Modular Enterprise Chassis 4 HU User Manual
Microsens, Modular access & xwdm system chassis versions

MICROSENS GmbH & Co. KG - Kueferstr. 16 - D-59067 Hamm / Germany - Tel. +49 (0)2381/9452-0 - Fax -100 - www.microsens.com
Constantly increasing demand for bandwidth, and the geographical spread of data
networks, have increased the deployment of fiber optics at all application levels.
Today's network infrastructures require open systems based on fiber optics that can be
installed easily and adapted flexibly to changing requirements.
The MICROSENS Access & xWDM Platform offers a wide range of access and
multiplexing modules for LAN and WAN applications as well as for the interfacing of
telecommunications and industrial networks.
The modular Access & xWDM Platform from MICROSENS is based on universal
communication modules for installation in various chassis types and the installation
into 19” racks. One power supply supplies all modules via the backplane with power.
For higher safety requirements it is possible to work with a second redundant power
A large number of modules are available for the passive and active conversion and
transport of all kind of protocols. The different modules can be combined together in
one chassis. The product range includes e.g. multimode / single mode converter,
Wavelength converter, fiber / copper long haul converter, bridges and switches, 3R
signal regeneration, redundant converter, Gigabit Extender, transparent WDM
converter, copper / fiber converter with WDM fiber interface and CWDM/DWDM
transponders and multiplexers.
Depending on the requirement in terms of bandwidth and optical parameter it is
possible to select the optimal solution for today’s and tomorrows demands. All modules
can be changed during operation (hot swap).
3HU Chassis (MS416001M) with two power supplies for redundancy (MS416004M):
1HU Chassis (MS416006M / MS416007M) with integrated power supplies:
Modular Access & xWDM System
Chassis Versions