Altera Video and Image Processing Suite User Manual

Page 65

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The CVO IP cores can be configured to support between 1 to 14 different modes and each mode has a

bank of registers that describe the output frame.
• Clocked Video Output IP Core

• When the IP core receives a new control packet on the Avalon-ST Video input, it searches the

mode registers for a mode that is valid. The valid mode must have a field width and height that

matches the width and height in the control packet.

• The

Video Mode Match

register shows the selected mode.

• If a matching mode is found, it restarts the video output with those format settings.

• If a matching mode is not found, the video output format is unchanged and a restart does not


• Clocked Video Output II IP Core

• When the IP core receives a new control packet on the Avalon-ST Video input, it searches the

mode registers for a mode that is valid. The valid mode must have a field width and height that

matches the width and height in the control packet.

• The

Video Mode Match

register shows the selected mode.

• If a matching mode is found, it completes the current frame; duplicating data if needed before

commencing output with the new settings at the beginning of the next frame.

• If a matching mode is not found, the video output format is unchanged.


Clocked Video Output Video Modes



Altera Corporation

Clocked Video Interface IP Cores

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