Avalon-st video monitor ip core, Avalon-st video monitor ip core -1 – Altera Video and Image Processing Suite User Manual
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Avalon-ST Video Monitor IP Core
The Avalon-ST Video Monitor IP core is a debugging and monitoring component.
The Avalon-ST Video Monitor IP core together with the associated software in System Console captures
and visualizes the flow of video data in a system. You can inspect the video data flow at multiple levels of
abstraction from the Avalon-ST video protocol level down to raw packet data level.
The Avalon-ST Video Monitor IP core enables the visibility of the Avalon-ST video control and data
packets streaming between video IP components. To monitor the video control and data packets, you
must insert the monitor components into a system.
Figure 21-1: Avalon-ST Video Monitor Functional Block Diagram
The figure below shows the monitor components in a system.
Avalon-ST Sink
Avalon-MM Slave
Avalon-ST Source
Avalon-ST Source
Avalon-ST Video Monitor
Video IP
Video IP
Statistics and
Date Capture
Altera Trace System
The monitored Avalon-ST video stream enters the monitor through the
Avalon-ST sink port and
leaves the monitor through the
Avalon-ST source port. The monitor does not modify, delay, or stall
the video stream in any way. Inside the monitor, the stream is tapped for you to gather statistics and
sample data. The statistics and sampled data are then transmitted through the capture Avalon-ST source
port to the trace system component. The trace system component then transmits the received information
to the host. You may connect multiple monitors to the Trace System IP core.
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