Video mixing ip cores, Video mixing ip cores -1 – Altera Video and Image Processing Suite User Manual
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Video Mixing IP Cores
The Video Mixing IP cores mix together multiple image layers .
This run-time control is partly provided by an Avalon-MM slave port with registers for the location, and
on or off status of each foreground layer. The dimensions of each layer are then specified by Avalon-ST
Video control packets.
Note: It is expected that each foreground layer fits in the boundaries of the background layer.
IP Cores
Alpha Blending Mixer
• Supports picture-in-picture and image blending with per
pixel alpha support.
• Supports dynamic changing of location and size of each
layer during run time.
• Allows the individual layers to be switched on and off.
• Supports 1 pixel per transmission.
Mixer II
• Supports picture-in-picture mixing.
• Supports dynamic changing of location and size of each
layer during run time.
• Allows the individual layers to be switched on and off.
• Supports up to 4 pixels in parallel.
• Includes built in test pattern generator as background
The Video Mixing IP cores read the control data in two steps at the start of each frame. The buffering
happens inside the IP core so that the control data can be updated during the frame processing without
unexpected side effects.
The first step occurs after the IP core processes and transmits all the non-image data packets of the
background layer, and it has received the header of an image data packet of type 0 for the background. At
this stage, the on/off status of each layer is read. A layer can be disabled (0), active and displayed (1) or
consumed but not displayed (2). The maximum number of image layers mixed cannot be changed
dynamically and must be set in the parameter editor.
The IP core processes the non-image data packets of each active foreground layer, displayed or consumed,
in a sequential order, layer 1 first. The IP core integrally transmits the non-image data packets from the
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