4 general operation sequence, Overview of operation sequence – Metrohm 797 VA Computrace User Manual
Page 72

3 General settings for exploratory and determination mode
797 VA Computrace – Software
* CV a
nd CVS: Voltage step time = Voltage step / Sweep rate
** SqW:
Voltage step time = 1 / Frequency
General operation sequence
Overview of operation sequence
The general operation sequence for measurements is identical for
both the exploratory and the determination mode and includes the
following steps:
1. Electrode test
Testing of the electrodes (only for oerating mode «Determina-
2. Stirring
Optional stirring of the sample solution during preparation pro-
cedures until start of the equilibration time (details see Stirring).
3. Purging
Optional purging of the sample solution during the
Initial purge
(details see Purging).
4. Drop formation
Hg drop formation at the MME if
is se-
lected (details see section 3.1).
5. Conditioning cycles
Optional conditioning of solid state electrodes by applying cy-
clic conditioning sweeps (details see Conditioning of solid state
6. Cleaning
Optional cleaning of solid state electrodes by applying a clean-
ing potential during the
Cleaning time
(details see
7. Deposition
Optional electrochemical deposition for stripping voltammetry
during the
Deposition time
(details see Pretreatment).
8. Equilibration time
Waiting time before starting the sweep; with start potential
applied to the electrodes. If the checkbox
Hydrodynamic (meas-
Current range
Voltage step time
10 nA
> 50 ms
100 nA
> 5 ms
1 μA
> 0.5 ms
10 μA
> 0.5 ms
100 μA
> 0.5 ms
1 mA
> 0.5 ms
10 mA
> 0.5 ms