Spikes / signal jump in voltammogram, Oxygen interference – Metrohm 797 VA Computrace User Manual
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9 Troubleshooting
797 VA Computrace – Software
2. If organic components are present: carry out a UV digestion or
other suitable sample preparation.
3. Concentration of the analyte is too high: dilute.
4. Electrolyte solution too old: make up a new one. Its working
life with organic additives may be as short as 1 day or less.
With HMDE:
1. Standard addition solution containing metal complexing agents
need time to form the metal complex.
Spikes / signal jump in voltammogram
1. For MME: check the electrode.
2. Reduce the dynamic range of the potentiostat (see Potentio-
stat, section 3.3).
Oxygen interference
Oxygen can be electrochemically reduced and produces two waves
in the voltammogram, one of which is characterized by the ap-
pearance of a pronounced maximum. The oxygen reduction can
interfere for two reasons:
The signals of the analytes are masked by the oxygen waves.
This becomes noticeable primarily in trace analysis as the oxy-
gen is present in a relatively high concentration in solutions
saturated with air (ca. 8 mg/L at room temperature).
The hydrogen peroxide formed in the first step of the oxygen
reduction can react further with certain substances.
For these reasons, oxygen must be removed from the analysis solu-
tion before the polarographic analysis by saturation with inert gas
(usually nitrogen). With the inert gas flow rate of ca. 20 L/h set on
the 797 VA Computrace stand in the factory, a purging time of
3...5 min usually suffices.
Compare the curves (0.1 mol/L KNO3) before and after purging:
Before purging (Still oxygen in the solution):