Metrohm 797 VA Computrace User Manual
Page 163

6.2 Calibration techniques with CVS and CPVS
797 VA Computrace – Software
determination. The parameters displayed depend on the selected
technique and measurement
. With “Standard
addition plating bath” following parameters have to be
Sample identifier [ 32 characters ; "sample" ]
Identification for sample. The
Sample identifier
used for the file name.
Cell volume (mL) [ > 0 mL ; 10 mL ]
Total volume of solution (e.g. Virgin Make-up So-
lution, see
VMS (Virgin Make-up Solution)
, section
6.4) in the measuring vessel at the start of the de-
Initial electrode conditioning
(see Initial electrode conditioning,
section 6.3)
Check the checkbox to use conditioning.
No. of conditioning measurements [ 1...100 ; 1 ]
Number of replications of conditioning measure-
ments. The “total number of conditioning measu-
rements” is the
No. of conditioning measurements
multiplied with the number of
Save last .. sweeps
tab). “Total number of conditioning
measurements” must not exceed 100.
Auto (%)[ >0.1 ; 1 ]
Define until which „“ the conditioning is
continued. The „“ is calculated from all
saved sweeps of the last two “conditioning meas-
Note: If you set a small value (e.g. < 1%), it can
take a long time until reaching the target.
Note: If both
No. of conditioning measurements
1...100 ; 1 ] and
(%) [ >0.1 ; 1 ] are
activated, the conditioning is finished as soon as
the first of the two criterias is reached.
Addition mixing time [ 0...80600 s ; 10 s ]
Time of mixing after Additions (for the first measu-
rement, the
Initial mixing time
is used).
No. of additions [ 0...28 ; 2 ]
Number of additions of additive standard solution.
No. of replications [ 1...10 ; 2 ]
Number of replications (= total number of meas-
urements) for each variation (sample, standard
addition, calibration level, conditioning measure-