Metrohm 797 VA Computrace User Manual

Page 174

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6 Electroplating Bath VA

797 VA Computrace – Software



window. With “LAT Standard addition for brighte-

ners” following parameters have to be defined:

Substance [ 24 characters ; ]

Substance name. For the assignment of a found
peak to this substance the checkbox on the left
side of the substance name must be checked.

With CVS:

Peak pos. +/- (V) [ -5...+5 V ; 0 V ]

Position of the peak voltage for the substance and
tolerance for this verification voltage.

With CPVS:

Step potential [ read only ; step 1: 0.2 V ]

Displays the potential values, which are defined in
the window

edit stripping steps




Parameters for baseline evaluation (details see


, section 5.2). Click the

button to open



window for the selected substance.

Additive solution

Definition of addition solutions for standard addi-

No. [ 0...8 ; 0 ]

Number of addition solution used for manual or
automatic addition. For automatic additions, this
number is also the Dosing Device number. If a
mixed standard solution is used, the number of
this solution must be entered for each substance
present in the mixed solution.

Achtung: Dosino 1..3 refer to Dosinos connected
to the 797 VA Computrace. Dosino 4...7 refer to
Dosinos connected to the 846 Dosing Interface (to
MSB 1...4).

Conc. [ > 0 ; 0 ]

Value for concentration of addition solution.

Unit [ fL/L...mL/L ; mL/L ]

Unit for concentration of addition solution.

Volume (mL) [ > 0.01 mL / var ; 0 mL ]

Addition volume. For entering variable addition
volumes, click the

button to open the



window for the selected sub-

stance (details see

Variable addition

, section 5.2).

In this case,


is entered into the field instead of

a fixed value. This field only appears once for solu-
tions with the same number (mixed standards)
and it is not displayed if


is entered as solution
