Metrohm 797 VA Computrace User Manual
Page 70
3 General settings for exploratory and determination mode
797 VA Computrace – Software
Sweep parameters:
Hydrodynamic (measurement) [ on, off ; on ]
Enable/disable stirring of the RDE/SSE during the sweep.
Equilibration potential (V) [ -5...+5 V ; 0.45 V ]
Voltage applied to the electrodes during the
Equilibration time (s) [ 0...80600 s ; 5 s ]
During that time, the
Equilibration potential
is applied to the
electrodes. If the checkbox
Hydrodynamic (measurement)
not checked, the stirrer is switched off during that time.
Plating potential (V) [ -5...+5 V ; -0.25 V ]
Set voltage for the plating period.
Plating time (s) [ > 0 s ; 4 s ]
Length of plating period.
Edit stripping steps
Edit the stripping steps. Check a checkbox to establish a
stripping step, define a potential
Potential (V) (default: 0.25
1.625 V)
and a step time
Step time (s) (default:
5 s)
End cleaning potential (V) [-5...+5 V; 1.625 V ]
Voltage of the cleaning period.
End cleaning time (s) [ > 0 s ; 5 s ]
Voltage of the cleaning period.
Interval time (s) [ 0.001…1 s ; 0.01 s ]
Interval time between to data points.
No. of sweeps
[ > 0 ; 3 ]
Number of cyclic sweeps to be performed.
Save last ... sweeps [ > 0 ; 2 ]
Number of cycles to be saved.
Note: Total number of saved sweeps is number of
Save last
multiplied with
No. of replications