1 introduction, 1 purpose of program, Introduction – Metrohm 797 VA Computrace User Manual

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1.1 Purpose of program

797 VA Computrace – Software


1 Introduction


Purpose of program

«797 VA Computrace Software 1.3.x» is the name of the control
software for the PC-controlled 797 VA Computrace System for
voltammetric analysis. This system consists of the following parts:


VA Computrace Stand with accessories


USB Cable


797 VA Computrace Software 1.3.x

For a detailed description of the hardware components of the 797
VA Computrace System, see the

797 Hardware Manual



797 Software Manual

describes the features and operation

procedures of the 797 VA Computrace Software 1.3.x, which com-
prises the clearly arranged user interface with a task bar that can
be clicked for control of the instrument, method development and
the recording and evaluation of the voltammograms.

Depending on the objective, the 797 VA Computrace Software
1.3.x can be used in

two different operating modes



exploratory mode


qualitative analysis

is suitable

for practice-oriented voltammetry training at universities, tech-
nical colleges and in plants. It allows the user to apply ten dif-
ferent VA measurement techniques and to compare their re-


determination mode

is used for

quantitative analy-


of inorganic or organic substances. Calibration can be done

via standard addition or calibration curves. Additionally, a mul-
titude of electroplating bath calibration techniques are avail-
able. Signal evaluation and concentration calculation are auto-
matic. On completion of the measurement, a report can be
compiled to suit individual requirements and printed out. The
most important methods for the determination of metals or
other substances can be called up directly. All curves appearing
on the screen, i.e. voltammograms and calibration curves plus
the results can be transferred to other Windows applications
via the Windows Clipboard. Data export in ASCII format is also