IAI America SCON-CA User Manual

Page 163

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Chapter 3 Operation


[3] Operation Mode (RMOD, RMDS)



PIO signal



: Available, �: Unavailable

Two operation modes are provided so that the operation by PIO signals does not overlap with

the operation by a teaching tool such as PC software through SIO (serial) communication.

The mode change is normally done by the operation mode setting switch on the front panel of

the controller.

AUTO··········Operation by PIO signals is valid.

MANU·········Operation through SIO (serial) communication is valid.

However, the controller is subject to link connection

(Note 1)

to connect with a teaching tool such

as PC software by using a SIO converter, the controller may be far apart from the teaching tool.

In such a case, the controller can be entered into the MANU mode by setting PIO signal RMOD

to ON.

Because the RMDS signal is set to ON with the MANU mode selected by using the signal,

make the operation sequence interlocked.

The table below lists the switches on the front panel, the modes selected by the RMOD signal

and the corresponding output states of the RMDS signal.

Note 1 For the details of the link connection, refer to “10.2 Way to Set Multiple Controllers

with 1 TeachingS Tool”.

: Selected or set to ON



PIO Operation


(Note 2)

Teaching tool such as

PC software

PIO Operation


(Note 2)


Switches on

front panel


PIO Input


PIO Output


PIO valid: �, PIO invalid:�

Note 2 “PIO Operation Allowed” or “PIO Operation Invalid” is the function to select a

restriction while the teaching tool such as PC software is connected.

� �

Caution: (1) Note that selecting “PIO Operation Allowed” by using the teaching tool

such as PC software makes all PIO signals valid to enable operation

however the states of the switches and RMOD signal input may be. In

this status, the actuator may be started depending on the signals from


(2) If the teaching tool such as PC software is disconnected from the

controller, “PIO Operation Allowed” or “PIO Operation Invalid” holds

the state selected before. After teaching operation or debugging is

terminated, select “PIO Operation Allowed” and disconnect the

teaching tool such as PC software from the controller.

Operation by normal PIO