IAI America SCON-CA User Manual
Page 100
Chapter 3 Operation
3.2.2 Control of Input Signal
The input signal of this controller has the input time constant of 6ms considering the prevention
of wrong operation by chattering and noise.
Therefore, input each input signal for 6ms or more
continuously. The signal cannot be
identified if it is less than 6ms.
(Note) It is necessary to input 26ms or more for PWRT Signal of PIO Pattern 1.
[Refer to 3.2.4 Operation with Position No. Input = Operations of PIO Patterns 0 to 3 and 6.]
3.2.3 Operation Ready and Auxiliary Signals = Common to Patterns 0 to 7
[1] Emergency stop status (EMGS)
PIO signal
Common to
Patterns 0 to 7
: Available, �: Unavailable
1) Emergency Stop Status EMGS is usually turned on and is turned off when “2.1.3 [3] Power
and Emergency Stop Circuit” is open between EMG+ and EMG- (emergency stop
condition or not connected).
2) It turns back ON if the emergency stop condition is released and the circuit is closed
between EMG+ and EMG-.
Have an appropriate safety treatment such as interlock with this signal for the host controller
(PLC, etc.).
[Caution] EMGS is different from the emergency stop output caused by a controller alarm.
Input Signal
Input Signal
Not Identify