Audio commands, At+wddm=0 – Rainbow Electronics FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) User Manual

Page 597

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Audio Commands

DTMF Decoding Mode +WDDM



49 / 158

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WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_049 - 001


August 23, 2007




Note: Stop DTMF decoding


21.13.6 Notes

• The DTMF decoding will be only available for one applicative layer: ATI or Open



. If the DTMF decoding is requested by one part and then requested by

another part, a specific error (+CME ERROR: 558) will be returned to the

second part.

• The different audio filters retand processes in Rx path should not be activated

while DTMF decoding mode is set.

The following AT command is partially deactivated when DTMF decoding is


+WADF command

The different audio filters return in their old state when the DTMF decoder is


• When the decoder is enabled (with + WDDM AT command), each time an

incoming DTMF is decoded, an unsolicited response will be returned by the

Wireless CPU


with DTMF value and its duration.

• DTMF decoder can be configured with the AT+WBHV command (see section

6.3 on "Wireless CPU


Behaviour Configuration + WBHV", for more information).

It sets the blank duration parameter. It determines the minimal blank (no

DTMF) duration to be detected after one decoded DTMF to return the

unsollicited event +WDDI.

• Decoded DTMF signals will be notified only during a voice call.
• The DTMF decoding is only suspended when the voice call is finished and

when the SU does not request the DTMF decoding deactivation.