Read operator name +copn, Plmn commands, 6 read operator name +copn – Rainbow Electronics FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) User Manual
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PLMN Commands
Read Operator Name +COPN
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WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_049 - 001
August 23, 2007
Read Operator Name +COPN
15.6.1 Description
This command returns the list of all operator names (in numeric and alphanumeric
format) stored in the Wireless CPU
15.6.2 Syntax
Action command
Read command
Test command
15.6.3 Parameters and Defined Values
operator in numeric format
operator in long alphanumeric format (see section "Operator
names" of the Appendixes for operator names description)
15.6.4 Parameter Storage
See also other documents in the category Rainbow Electronics GPS receiver:
- BT-R900 (2 pages)
- BT-R800 (2 pages)
- UC864 (36 pages)
- BT-R920 (2 pages)
- GM862-GPS (73 pages)
- GM862-GPS (120 pages)
- GM862-GPS (100 pages)
- GM862-QUAD-PY (63 pages)
- GM862-QUAD-PY (434 pages)
- GM862-QUAD-PY (68 pages)
- GM862-QUAD-PY (96 pages)
- WE865-DUAL (22 pages)
- CF-R900 (2 pages)
- BT-R820 (2 pages)
- GT863-PY (50 pages)
- ATR0610 (13 pages)
- GT864-PY (23 pages)
- FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) (16 pages)
- ATR0622 (26 pages)
- EB-A803 (9 pages)
- GE863-GPS low power (122 pages)
- EB-A801 (18 pages)
- GE863-PRO3 (55 pages)
- L10 (2 pages)
- GM-R800 (2 pages)
- GE863-PY (80 pages)
- ATR0600 (11 pages)
- GM-R305 (3 pages)
- GM-R900 (2 pages)
- ATR0630 (35 pages)
- DL-200BT-D (3 pages)
- DL-200 (3 pages)
- ATR0601 (17 pages)
- ATR0620 (15 pages)
- ATR0625 (26 pages)
- MG260 (246 pages)
- MG260 (87 pages)
- DL-100 (3 pages)
- GM-R500 (2 pages)
- EB-A802 (9 pages)
- ATR0621 (20 pages)
- EB-230 (10 pages)
- GM-R306-AA (2 pages)
- 900 (239 pages)