Gprs parameters customization: +wgprs, Gprs commands, 2 gprs parameters customization: +wgprs – Rainbow Electronics FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) User Manual
Page 277: At+wgprs=, +wgprsind: ok
GPRS Commands
GPRS parameters customization: +WGPRS
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WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_049 - 001
August 23, 2007
GPRS parameters customization: +WGPRS
This Wavecom proprietary command modifies some Wavecom GPRS parameters:
• the ATTACH-STATUS (the ME does or not perform automatically a GPRS
attachment after initialization),
• the PDP-INIT-STATUS (activates automatically or not some defined PDP
contexts after initialization),
• the user-defined multislot class. This parameter represents either the GPRS or
EGPRS class selected by the user to perform power saving (by reducing TX
/uplink time slots).
In addition, this command allows to:
• set automatically "ACTIVABLE" some defined PDP contexts after initialization,
• set some parameters for PALM
OS software: PPP Silent Mode.
PPP waits for PPP Client to start the dialog and Slow CONNECT (due to the delay in
the processing of PALM
OS, the CONNECT is sent one second after the dialing
command request).
The Wavecom Wireless CPU
must be rebooted to activate the new setup except for
When the GPRS/EGPRS network capability indication is enabled (with + WGPRS AT
command), each time GPRS or EGPRS technologies availability are detected on the
used network, an unsolicited response +WGPRSIND will be returned by the Wireless
• For
Action command