Gprs commands – Rainbow Electronics FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) User Manual
Page 302
GPRS Commands
Automatic Response to a Network Request for PDP Context Activation +CGAUTO
112 / 156
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WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_049 - 001
August 23, 2007
14.11.6 Notes
In class C GPRS the Wireless CPU
cannot simultaneously receive GPRS and GSM
incoming calls.
When the AT+CGAUTO=0 command is received, the MT will not perform a GPRS
detach if it is attached. Subsequently, when the MT announces a network request for
PDP context activation by issuing the unsolicited result code RING or +CRING, the TE
may manually accept or reject the request by issuing the +CGANS command or may
simply ignore the network request.
When the AT+CGAUTO=1 command is received, the MT will attempt to perform a
GPRS attach if it is not already attached. Failure will result in ERROR or, if enabled,
announces a network request for PDP context activation by issuing the unsolicited
result code RING or +CRING to the TE, this is followed by the intermediate result code
CONNECT. The MT then enters V.25ter online data state and follows the same
procedure as it would after having received an AT+CGANS=1 with