Wireless cpu, Status commands, At+wind? +wind: 0 ok at+wind=255 – Rainbow Electronics FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) User Manual
Page 124: Wind: 1, Wind: 7, Wind: 4
Wireless CPU
Status Commands
General Indications +WIND
118 / 184
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WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_049 - 001
August 23, 2007
and local time zone>: indicates date, time and time zone expressed in quarters of an hour, in format Year/Month/Day,Hour:Min:Seconds±TimeZone string ("yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss±zz") localized Service Area identity of the current cell in hexa format (3 bytes) hexa string Time>: when the local time zone is compensated for DST (Day Saving time, or summertime), the serving PLMN shall provide a DST parameter to indicate it. The adjustment for DST can be +1h or +2h. range: 0-2 7.1.4 Parameter Storage The default value can be restored using AT&F. 7.1.5 Examples Command Responses AT+WIND? +WIND: 0 OK AT+WIND=255 OK Note: The SIM has been +WIND: 0 Note: The SIM presence pin has been detected as "SIM removed" Note: The SIM has been inserted +WIND: 1 Note: The SIM presence pin has been detected as "SIM inserted" Note: The network service is available for an emergency call +WIND: 7 Note: The initialization has been completed +WIND: 4 Note: The Wireless CPU ® received a NITZ information message +WIND: 15,1,"Cingular Extend",2,"Cingular",3,"+08",4,"03/14/27,1