Subscriber number +cnum, Phonebooks commands, 12 subscriber number +cnum – Rainbow Electronics FARGO MAESTRO 100 (with TCP_IP) User Manual
Page 399: At+cnum +cnum:

Phonebooks Commands
Subscriber Number +CNUM
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WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_049 - 001
August 23, 2007
16.12 Subscriber Number +CNUM
16.12.1 Description
This command returns the subscriber MSISDN(s). If the subscriber has several
MSISDNs for various services, each MSISDN is returned in a separate line.
16.12.2 Syntax
Action command
+CNUM: 1 >, 1 >, 1 > [+CNUM: 2 >, 2 >, 2 >[…]] OK Read command None Test command AT+CNUM=? OK 16.12.3 Parameters and Defined Values i >: optional alphanumeric string associated with i > i >: phone number in ASCII format string type i >: TON/NPI (type of address octet in integer format) 145 international number 129 national number 16.12.4 Parameter Storage