Rainbow Electronics 900 User Manual
At commands interface guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- 1. Scope of this document
- 1.1 Related documents
- 1.2 ETSI secretariat
- 1.3 Definitions
- 1.4 Presentation rules
- 2 AT commands features
- 3 General behaviors
- 4 General commands
- 4.1 Module initial reason +TINIT
- 4.2 Battery state +CBC
- 4.3 Manufacturer identification +CGMI
- 4.4 Request model identification +CGMM
- 4.5 Request revision identification +CGMR
- 4.6 Product Serial Number +CGSN
- 4.7 Request IMSI +CIMI
- 4.8 Card Identification +CCID
- 4.9 Capabilities list +GCAP
- 4.10 Repeat last command A/
- 4.11 Power off +CPOF
- 4.12 Set phone functionality +CFUN
- 4.13 Phone activity status +CPAS
- 4.14 Report Mobile Equipment errors +CMEE
- 4.15 Keypad control +CKPD
- 4.16 Clock Management +CCLK
- 4.17 Alarm Management +CALA
- 4.18 Select type of address +CSTA
- 4.19 Open Micorphone power +TCFG
- 4.20 32kHz Power down Mode +W32K
- 4.21 Set alert tone Command +TMEL
- 4.22 Control Flash LED Command +TFLED
- 4.23 Restricted SIM access +CRSM
- 5 Call Control commands
- 5.1 Dial command D
- 5.2 Hang-Up command H
- 5.3 Answer a call A
- 5.4 Remote disconnection
- 5.5 Extended error report +CEER
- 5.6 DTMF signals +VTD, +VTS
- 5.7 Redial last telephone number ATDL
- 5.8 Automatic answer ATS0
- 5.9 Gain control +VGR, +VGT
- 5.10 Microphone Mute Control +CMUT
- 5.11 Speaker & Microphone selection +SPEAKER
- 5.12 Echo Cancellation +ECHO
- 5.13 SideTone modification +SIDET
- 5.14 Initialize Voice Parameters +VIP
- 5.15 Ring Melody Playback +CRMP
- 5.16 Ringer Sound Level +CRSL
- 5.17 Audio loop test +TLOOP
- 5.18 Telephone firewall +TSFW
- 5.19 Telephone minute alarm +TMAS
- 5.20 FLYFOT Speaker & Microphone selection +TFSPEAKER
- 6 Network service commands
- 7 Security commands
- 8 Phonebook commands
- 9 Short Messages commands
- 9.1 Parameters definition
- 9.2 Select message service +CSMS
- 9.3 Preferred Message Storage +CPMS
- 9.4 Save Settings +CSAS
- 9.5 Restore settings +CRES
- 9.6 New message indication +CNMI
- 9.7 Read message +CMGR
- 9.8 List message +CMGL
- 9.9 Send message +CMGS
- 9.10 Write Message to Memory +CMGW
- 9.11 Send Message From Storage +CMSS
- 9.12 Delete message +CMGD
- 9.13 Service center address +CSCA
- 9.14 Message status modification +WMSC
- 9.15 Message overwriting +WMGO
- 9.16 Unchange SMS Status +WUSS
- 9.17 Preferred Message Format +CMGF
- 9.18 Set Text Mode Parameters +CSMP
- 9.19 Select TE character set +CSCS
- 9.20 Select Cell Broadcast Message Types +CSCB
- 9.21 Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers +WCBM
- 9.22 Capacity of SIM card been adjusted +TSMC
- 10 Supplementary Services commands
- 10.1 Call forwarding +CCFC
- 10.2 Call barring +CLCK
- 10.3 Modify SS password +CPWD
- 10.4 Call waiting +CCWA
- 10.5 Calling line identification restriction +CLIR
- 10.6 Calling line identification presentation +CLIP
- 10.7 Connected line identification presentation +COLP
- 10.8 Call related supplementary services +CHLD
- 10.9 List current calls +CLCC
- 10.10 Supplementary service notifications +CSSN
- 10.11 Unstructured supplementary service data +CUSD
- 11 Specific AT commands
- 13 GPRS commands
- 13.1 Define PDP Context +CGDCONT
- 13.2 GPRS attach or detach +CGATT
- 13.3 PDP context activate or deactivate +CGACT
- 13.4 GPRS network registration status +CGREG
- 13.5 Quality of Service Profile (Requested) +CGQREQ
- 13.6 Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable) +CGQMIN
- 13.7 Enter data state +CGDATA
- 13.8 GPRS mobile station class +CGCLASS
- 13.9 Select service for MO SMS messages +CGSMS
- 13.10 Show PDP address +CGPADDR
- 13.11 Request GPRS IP service 'D'
- 13.12 Full AT GPRS commands examples
- 14 GSM string
- 15 V24-V25 commands
- 15.1 Fixed DTE rate +IPR
- 15.2 DTE-DCE character framing +ICF
- 15.3 DTE-DCE local flow control +IFC
- 15.4 Set DCD signal &C
- 15.5 Set DTR signal &D
- 15.6 Set DSR signal &S
- 15.7 Back to online mode O
- 15.8 Result code suppression Q
- 15.9 DCE response format V
- 15.10 Default configuration Z
- 15.11 Save configuration &W
- 15.12 Auto-tests &T
- 15.13 Echo E
- 15.14 Restore factory settings &F
- 15.15 Display configuration &V
- 15.16 Data / Commands Multiplexing +WMUX
- 15.17 Request identification information I
- 16 Data commands
- 17 TCP/IP
- 18 Specific AT commands
- 18.1 General Indications +WIND
- 18.2 Analog digital converters measurements +ADC
- 18.3 Mobile Equipment event reporting +CMER
- 18.4 Indicator control +CIND
- 18.5 Mobile equipment control mode +CMEC
- 18.6 Read Language Preference +WLPR
- 18.7 Write Language Preference +WLPW
- 18.8 Read GPIO value +WIOR
- 18.9 Write GPIO value +WIOW
- 18.10 Input/Output Management +WIOM
- 18.11 Play tone +WTONE
- 18.12 Play DTMF tone +WDTMF
- 18.13 FLYFOT Downloading +WDWL
- 18.14 FLYFOT Voice Rate +WVR
- 18.15 Data Rate +WDR
- 18.16 Hardware Version +WHWV
- 18.17 Date of Production +WDOP
- 18.18 FLYFOT Select Voice Gain +WSVG
- 18.19 FLYFOT Status Request +WSTR
- 18.20 FLYFOT Scan +WSCAN
- 18.21 FLYFOT Ring Indicator Mode +WRIM
- 18.22 FLYFOT Change Default Melody +WCDM
- 18.23 FLYFOT Software version +WSSW
- 18.24 FLYFOT Custom Character Set +WCCS
- 18.26 CPHS command: +CPHS
- 18.27 Unsolicited result : FLYFOT Voice Mail Indicator : +WVMI
- 18.28 Unsolicited result : FLYFOT diverted call indicator: +WDCI
- 18.29 FLYFOT network operator name: +WNON
- 18.30 FLYFOT CPHS information: +WCPI
- 18.31 FLYFOT customer service profile: +WCSP
- 18.32 FLYFOT Battery Charge Management +WBCM
- 18.33 Unsolicited result : FLYFOT Battery Charge Indication +WBCI
- 18.34 Features Management +WFM
- 18.35 Commercial Features Management +WCFM
- 18.36 FLYFOT Customer storage mirror +WMIR
- 18.37 FLYFOT Change Default Player +WCDP
- 18.38 FLYFOT CPHS Mail Box Number: +WMBN
- 18.39 FLYFOT Alternate Line Service: +WALS
- 18.40 FLYFOT Open AT control command +WOPEN
- 18.41 FLYFOT Reset +WRST
- 18.42 Set Standard Tone +WSST
- 18.43 FLYFOT Location +WLOC
- 18.44 FLYFOT Bus Read +WBR
- 18.45 FLYFOT Bus Write +WBW
- 18.46 FLYFOT Bus Management +WBM
- 18.47 FLYFOT Hang-up +WATH
- 18.48 Write IMEI +WIMEI
- 18.49 Write IMEI SVN: +WSVN
- 18.50 FLYFOT multi-band selection command: +WMBS
- 18.51 Ring Melody Playback +CRMP
- 18.52 Ringer Sound Level +CRSL
- 18.53 FLYFOT Matrix +TMTX
- 19 Appendixes
- 19.1 ME error result code : +CME ERROR:
- 19.2 Message service failure result code: +CMS ERROR :
- 19.3 Specific error result codes
- 19.4 Failure Cause from GSM 04.08 recommendation (+CEER)
- 19.5 Specific Failure Cause for +CEER
- 19.6 GSM 04.11 Annex E-2: Mobile originating SM-transfer
- 19.7 Data / Commands multiplexing protocol
- 19.1 ME error result code : +CME ERROR: