Bridge-group Page 719
Page 719

Command Reference Guide
Frame Relay Sub-Interface Config Command Set
Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN
Use the bridge-group command to assign an interface to the specified bridge group. This command is
supported on all Ethernet interfaces, PPP virtual interfaces, and Frame Relay virtual sub-interfaces. Use
the no form of this command to remove the interface from the bridge group.
Syntax Description
Specifies the bridge group number (1 to 255).
Default Values
By default, there are no configured bridge groups.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900 Series units.
Command History
Release 1.1
Command was introduced.
Functional Notes
A bridged network can provide excellent traffic management to reduce collisions and limit the amount of
bandwidth wasted with unnecessary transmissions when routing is not necessary. Any two interfaces can
be bridged (Ethernet to T1 bridge, Ethernet to Frame Relay sub-interface).
Usage Examples
The following example assigns the Frame Relay sub-interface labeled 1.16 to bridge group 1:
(config)#interface frame-relay 1.16
(config-fr 1.16)#bridge-group 1