Chapter 4: adobe version cue, Working with adobe version cue, About version cue – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 89: What’s new

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Chapter 4: Adobe Version Cue

Adobe Version Cue® CS3 is a file-version manager included with Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium and
Standard, Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium and Standard, and Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection.
Version Cue enables versioning and asset management in Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite components,
including Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Bridge, and
Adobe InCopy.

Working with Adobe Version Cue

About Version Cue

Version Cue is a file-version manager included with Creative Suite 3 Design, Web, and Master Collection editions
that consists of two pieces: the Version Cue Server and Version Cue connectivity. The Version Cue Server can be
installed locally or on a dedicated computer and hosts Version Cue projects and PDF reviews. Version Cue connec-
tivity, included with all Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite components (Acrobat, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign,
InCopy, Photoshop, and Bridge) enables you to connect to Version Cue Servers.

Use Version Cue to track versions of a file as you work and to enable workgroup collaboration such as file sharing,
version control, backups, online reviews, and the ability to check files in and out. You can organize Version Cue-
managed files into private or shared projects.

Version Cue is integrated with Adobe Bridge: use Bridge as a file browser for Version Cue projects. With Bridge, you
can access Version Cue Servers, projects, and files, and view, search for, and compare information about
Version Cue-managed assets.

Use Version Cue Server Administration to create and manage user access, projects, and PDF reviews; administer
backups; export content; and to specify advanced Version Cue Server information.

For a video on using Version Cue, see


See also

“Version Cue Server Administration” on page 114

“Version Cue PDF reviews” on page 125

What’s new

Initial server configuration

When you first start the Version Cue Server (which is turned off by default), the Initial

Configuration window in Version Cue Server Administration enables you specify initial server configuration

Improved integration with Adobe Bridge

Use the Inspector in Bridge to display and act on context-sensitive infor-

mation about Version Cue Servers, projects, and assets. Version Cue options in the Content panel in Bridge let you
connect to Version Cue Servers, create Version Cue projects, and work with Version Cue-managed assets.

Faster upload/download and more efficient server storage

Version Cue transfers and stores only the differences

between local files and their counterparts on the Version Cue Server.