Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual
Page 153

User Guide
Text import options
Flash lets you import text as editable text, vector outlines, and a flattened bitmap. To maintain supported blend
modes, AI effects, and transparency of less than 100% between Illustrator and Flash, use import text as a movie clip.
Importing text as a movie clip preserves the editability of compatible visual effects.
Editable Text
By default, Illustrator text imports as editable Flash text. The appearance of the text can be compro-
mised to maintain the editability of the text.
Vector Outlines
Converts text to vector paths. Use this option to preserve the visual appearance of the text. Some
visual effects might be sacrificed—such as unsupported blend modes and filters—but visual attributes such as text
on a path are maintained if the text is imported as a movie clip. The text itself is no longer editable, but opacity and
compatible blend modes maintain their editability.
Note: To preserve the drop shadow, inner glow, outer glow, and Gaussian blur that AI effects applied to text as editable
Flash filters, select Create Movie Clip Import to import the text as a movie clip.
Rasterizes the text into a bitmap to preserve the exact appearance of the text as it was in Illustrator. If filters
or other effects are applied that are not compatible with Flash, importing the text as a bitmap preserves the visual
appearance. Rasterized text is no longer editable.
Path import options
A path is the line that results from drawing in Illustrator. A path is either open, like an arc, or closed, like a circle. For
an open path, the starting and ending anchor points for the path are called endpoints. Editable paths can be imported
into Flash, however, if certain blend modes, filters, or other effects are applied to the path, those effects might not be
compatible with Flash.
Rasterizes the path into a bitmap to preserve the exact appearance of the path in Illustrator. A rasterized
image is no longer editable.
Editable Path
Creates an editable vector path. Supported blend modes, effects, and object transparency are
preserved, but attributes not supported in Flash are discarded.
Image import options
Bitmap images are the most common electronic medium for continuous-tone images, such as photographs or digital
paintings. Illustrator creates bitmap effects by using filters, effects, and graphic styles. While many of these effects
are compatible with Flash, some might need to be flattened—or rasterized—to preserve their visual appearance.
Note: If a raster file in Illustrator is linked, only JPEG, GIF, or PNG is imported with their native format preserved. All
other file types are converted to the PNG format in Flash. Additionally, the conversion (to PNG) depends on the version
of QuickTime installed on your computer.
Flatten Bitmap To Maintain Appearance
Rasterizes the image into a bitmap to preserve the appearance of blending
modes and effects that are not supported in Flash. A rasterized image is no longer editable.
Create Movie Clip
Imports the Illustrator images as movie clips.
Group import options
Groups are collections of graphic objects that are treated as a single unit. Grouping lets you move or transform a
number of objects without affecting their attributes or relative positions. For example, you might group the objects
in a logo design so that you can move and scale the logo as one unit. Groups can also be nested. That is, they can be
grouped in other objects or groups to form larger groups.