Edit video clips in the video import wizard – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



If you imported the video clip directly to the Stage in step 1, a warning appears if the imported clip contains more

frames than the span in which you are placing it in the current Flash document. Do one of the following:

To extend the span the required number of frames, click Yes.

To keep the span at its current size, click No. Frames in the imported clip that exceed the frames in the span do
not appear unless you subsequently add frames to the span.


Select Control > Play. Preview a linked QuickTime video before you publish your SWF file. When you import a

linked QuickTime video, Flash adds the required number of frames to preview the QuickTime video, the same as it
does for an embedded video.

Note: You cannot use the Test Movie command to preview linked QuickTime video content.

Change the directory path of a linked QuickTime video


Select Window > Library, and select the desired linked QuickTime video.


In the Panel menu in the Library panel, select Properties.


Click Set Path.


Navigate to the file for the linked video clip, select it, click Open, and click OK.

Edit video clips in the Video Import wizard


Import the video clip.


To open the Editing pane of the Video Import wizard, select Edit the Video First, and click Next.


To browse frames in the video, do one of the following:

Drag the playhead along the scrubber bar.

To move forward, click the Play button; to stop at the desired frame, click the Pause button.

To move forward or backward one frame at a time, click the Backward and Forward buttons in the Controller.


To set the in and out points (beginning and ending frames), do one of the following:

Drag the in and out points (the triangles below the scrubber bar).

To set the beginning or ending frame at the current location of the playhead, click the In or Out button below the
scrubber bar.


To play the video, do one of the following:

To play the video from the current playhead position, click the Play button in the button controls.

To play the video with the current in and out points, click Preview.

Note: To stop video playback, click the Stop button.


To create a clip with the current in and out points, click Create Clip.

To create additional clips from the same file, select in and out points for the clips as described in step 4, and click
Create Clip again.


To rename a clip, select it in the scroll pane and enter the new name.


To re-edit a clip, select it in the scroll pane. Select new in and out points as described in step 4, and click Update Clip.


To delete a clip from the scroll pane, select the clip and click the Delete (-) button.


When the editing process is complete, click Next.